No. 4, January 2009
- Le Scrutin Uninominal - Une Exception en Europe
- The Directions of Public Administration Reform Due to Romania?s Integration in the European Union
- Les Implications Géopolitiques de la Réunification Européenne
- Juridical Regime of the Public Domain
- The Principle Polluter- Pays and the Civil Liability Related to the Environment
- Considérations au Sujet du Contentieux Administratif en Matière des Résultats de l?évaluation Professionnelle
- European Public Administration under the Principles of Legality, Proportionality and Subsidiarity
- The Banking Counter-Guarantee. Juridical Regime
- The Compulsoriness of the Decisions Pronounced by the Constitutional Court in the Laws Constitutionality Control
- The Concept and Content of Sovereignty
- The Working Administrative Autonomies in Europe- An Overview and Schematic Comparison
- The Concept and the Characteristic Features of the Legal Norms
- The Role of the Public Administration and the Rural Development
- L?Egalité de Chance - le Principe Fondamental de l?accès à la Fonction Publique
- The Role of Civil Society within the Democracy
- Bureaucratic Administration in Modern Society
- Considerations Regarding the Observance of the Presumption of Innocence in the Media
- Constitutional Requirements Regarding the Law on Local Elected Persons
- Le Contrat Administratif Normatif - Source du Droit de la Science et de l?innovation
- Islamic Law
- The Main Law Systems
- Principes de l?interprétation Juridique
- Theoretical and Practical Aspects Regarding the Unlawfulness Plea of the Administrative Acts in the Municipal Law and Community Law
- The Citizen, the Administration and Community Law
- Romania and the Treaty of Lisbon
- Considérations Concernant la Transposition dans la Législation Nationale des Stipulations de la Directive 2005/60/Ce du Parlement Européen et du Conseil, en Date du 26 Octobre 2005 Concernant la Prévention de L?utilisation du Système Financier
- The Evolution of the Social Criminal Law on an International Wide Scale
- La Politique Extérieure et de Sécurité : Orientations Générales et Contributions Spécifiques de la Roumanie à la Politique Extérieure et de Sécurité Commune et a la Politique Européenne de Sécurité Défense de L?UE Eu Egard Aux Exigences Du Développement
- Modalités D?Action à L?horizon 2013, 2020, 2030, Conformément aux Orientations Stratégiques de L?UE de Réalisation de L?objectif-Cible; Inclusion Sociale, Démographie et Migration
- Infraction de Contrefaçon de la Marque dans le Contexte Europeen
- Le Combat contre la Criminalite Informatique dans le Contexte Euro
- Juridical Dimension of Discrimination
- The Inception and the Cessation of the Penal Protection of the Right to Life
- La Génération des Faits de Corruption par L?émission des Documents Administratifs
- Complex Methods of Investigation of Money Laundering in the Integration Process
- Presumption of Innocence in Criminal Procedure
- Procedural Incidents Appeared When Finalizing the Criminal Accusation Stage
- The Applicable Law by the International Penal Court
- The Right to Freedom from CEDO Point of View - Previous and Subsequent to the Judicial Practice -
- Protection de la santé humaine par la prévention de trafic et consommation illégal de drogues et substances psychotropes
- The Romanian Legislative Frame of Prevention and Fighting against Genetic Manipulation
- Judicial Cooperation Based on a European Evidence Warrant
- L?organisation et L?exercice du Métier de Psychologue en Roumanie
- Considérations sur la Nécessité d?introduction des Dates Biométriques dans les Documents de Voyage
- Debut de la Protection Penale du Droit De Vie
- New Arguments Related to Including the Crime of Violation of Domicile among Theft and Mugging
- Execution of the European Arrest Warrant by the Romanian Judicial Authorities
- Transfer of Procedure in Criminal Matters in Romanian Legislation
- La Fréquence de certains Genres D?infractions dans L?activité de la Police Rurale
- Criminal Protection Regarding the Copyright of Computer Programs - European and National Legislation -
- Ombres et Lumieres en la Matiere de la Succession dans la Vision du Code Civil
- Le projet du code civil roumain. Est-il moderne, européen, rigoureux?
- Controversial Issues of Maternity Substitution
- Les réglementations en matière de l?inexécution du contrat dans le contexte du rapprochement du droit privé européen
- The European Procedure on Reduced Value Claims
- The Mediation Procedure in Romania
- Procedural Issues on Patrimony Liability in Matters of Insolvency
- Le Rapport Juridique de Travail et le Rapport Juridique de Fonction Publique. Comparativisme Communautaire (proposition de Lege ferenda)
- Theoretical and Practical Considerations Regarding the Child?s Right to a Family Environment and to Alternative Care
- Les Limites Légales de l?exercice du Droit d?auteur
- Interactive Approaches upon the Residence of a Natural Person and their Connections with Civil Procesual Law, Civil Law and Fiscal Law
- Changing the Family Name by Administrative Means
- The Various forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in International Commercial Disputes
- International Regulations Dealing with Alternative Dispute Resolution for International Commercial Disputes
- La réglementation de loi lata et de loi ferenda du principe de l?irrévocabilité des donations
- The independence principle for the subject of administration of stock trading companies. Comparative study of European legislation
- Considerations Concerning the Criminal Clause, Expression of Contractual Principle and Law Abuse
- Aspects Regarding the Judicial Cooperation in Civil and Commercial Matters
- The Impact of Global Economy upon Leadership
- The International Double Taxation - Avoiding Methods
- Monetary Policy Challenges - Inflation Targeting Strategy and the Process of Euro Adoption
- Financial Aspects of Competitiveness in the Sustainable Development of the Company
- The Annex to the Annual Financial Statements in the Context of the European Directives
- Exchange Rate Targeting in New Member States of the European Union: New Times, New Challenges
- The Necessity of Implementation of ERP Systems within the Actual Economical-Financial Crisis
- Challenges of Labour Market within World?s Crisis
- Some Problems on the Romanian Bank Segment in the European Union
- Effects of Economic and Financial Crisis on Nominal Convergence Indicators in New Member States
- Efficient Marketing Strategies in the Financial-Banking Field in Crisis Conditions
- The Study of Clients? Buying And Consumption Behavior Of Financial-Banking Products And Services
- The Evolution of Romanian Transport within the East European Transport
- American Business Prototype and Economical Recession
- European Union Integration of Romania and Process of Accounting Normalization
- Evaluation Consolidated under Financial Group Banca Transilvania
- Analysis of Correlations between Economic Growth (Rate of Real GDP) and the Underground Economy
- The Conceptual Framework Related to the Enterprise?s Performances
- Interaction Operators with State through Public Consolidated Budget
- Technological Innovation
- Models of Quality Management in the Tourism Field
- Implications of the Eu Enlargement on the Foreign Trade Activity of the Eastern and Central European Countries which Recently Joined the Union
- Succint Analysis of the Social Expenses in Roman
- The 'Ecosystem-Pauperism' Binary. Assessments Regarding the Insurance of Environment Durability 8 Years Later from the Millennium Summit
- About an Integrate System for Waste Management
- Fair Value and Accounting Standard for Financial Instrument
- The Architecture of a CRM System in the Context of Internet Technologies
- Issues on the Evolution of European Integration Process
- General Considerations on the Project Management Assisted by Computer for Romanian Companies
- Institutionalized Education and Development 'The New Institutionalism' - a New Paradigm of Development within the Context of European Integration
- New dimensions in SNMP Protocol in Romania
- The Impact of Development Methods (Formal / Nonformal) Above the Process of Continuous Formation of Human Resources ~ Research about the Human Resources Framed in Educational Services ~