No. 7, January 2012
- Exchange of Information on Traffic Violations Affecting the Road Safety in the European Union
- European Warrant for Obtaining Evidence
- The European Arrest Warrant
- The New Romanian Criminal Code and the Current Romanian Criminal Code, Related to Prior Complaint in Case of Abuse of Office
- Prescription of the High Risk Narcotics and Trading or Illicit Purchasing of High Risk Narcotics
- Checking Interceptions And Audio Video Recordings By The Court After Referral
- Playing Full Written Records, An Indispensable Condition For Carrying Out Certification
- Performances and Deficiencies of the Regulation of the Phenomenon of Family Violence in the Republic of Moldova
- The Criminal Protection of the Financial Interests of the European Union in the Romanian Legislation
- Prediction and prevention of sexual assaults on children
- The Problem of Competition between Penal Norms and Non-penal Norms in the Process of Defending the Order of Law against the Illegality Related to Crediting Process
- Extended Seizure and Sale of Seized Assets before Pronouncing a Final Conviction
- The Criminality and its Psychological Features
- The Continued Form of Some Crimes Against Property. Theoretical and Practical Aspects Through the New Criminal Code
- The Recognition of Forensic Psychiatric Expertise in European Union
- Respecting Human Rights during the Execution of the European Arrest Warrant
- The Applicable Surrender Procedure between Romania, Norway and Iceland
- Some Considerations Regarding the Trial of Admitting Guilt
- Comparative law. Europe Union law
- Civil Liability for Environmental Damages
- Aspects of National and Community Trademarks
- Exceptions to the principle of free movement of workers in the European Community: the Case of Persons infected with HIV/AIDS
- European Dimension of Legal Education. A comparative study of the Romanian Law curricula and EU Law syllabus
- Human Dignity in International Law: Issues and Challenges
- The Reservation to Treaty
- The right to family reunification in relation to third-country nationals within the European Union
- European Perspectives Approach to Asylum and Migration
- Strategies of Environmental Policy in the European Union
- The Global Dimension of Education
- How do we define 'WORKER' in the European Union
- Globalization and Money Laundering
- A Comparative View on Regulating the Transaction Agreement
- The Legality and Morality in the Political life in Romania from the Perspective of the Right to a Fair Administration and Good Government
- EU and US Data Protection Reforms. A Comparative View
- On the Legitimacy of Representation during the Transition towards Democracy
- Legal System as a Determinant of Economic Performance: Factual Records in Romania
- The Right to Life
- Short Remarks on the Principle of Separation of Powers
- Report of donations. General considerations
- Protection and Conservation of the Aquatic Environment
- About the Dissolution of Marriage Settlement in the Context of Romania's Integration in the European Union
- Short Remarks on the Rule-of-law State Concept
- A New Approach in the Social Field - Law No. 62/2011
- Electronic Commerce - An International Phenomenon, Generating Commercial Litigations
- Alternative Dispute Resolution - Justice without Trial?
- Consideration on Monocratic and Dualist Executive Powers as Components of the State
- State Structure and Political Regime Structure
- The responsibility of subjects implicated in the adoption of unconstitutional norms in Romania
- Protection of Personal Data - actual and proposed issues
- Considerations on the Right to Public Property
- Mediation in Romanian Legislation
- The Evolution of Human Rights Principle within the EU Legal System
- Maritime Rescue
- Legal Status of Waste
- The Legal Status of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation
- Mediation - Political-Diplomatic Means for Solving International Conflicts
- The Community Trademark and the Office for Harmonization on the Internal Market (OHIM)
- Regulation and Deregulation From Legal Theory to the Practical Case of the Financial Sector Nowadays
- Society's Expectations of Corporate Performance Today (Some Discussions about a ?Global Performance')
- Growth and Inequality in Italy Over the Long Run (1871-2001): Trends, Patterns, Implications
- The Regulation Framework for the Banking Sector: The EMU, European Banks and Rating Agencies before and during the Recent Financial and Debt Crisis
- Modelling the Choices of Romanian Consumers in the Context of the Current Economic Crisis
- Management of Labor Conflicts In Public Health Organizations
- The post-war relations between Romania and the world's great powers
- Arguments for Polycentricity in Romanian Regional Development in the
- A new Risk Strategy for European Cooperative Banks in contemporary economic crisis
- Diagnosis Related Groups System - Managerial Tool for Estimating the Cost of Hospital Services (Empirical Study)
- Cross-functional Teams and Their Role in Increasing Competitiveness of the Organizational Partnerships
- A Critical Perspective on the Doctrinal Approaches Regarding the Economic Crises
- Challenges and Risks of Global Crisis in the European Labour Market
- Approaches of the Bank Loan Portfolio within the Framework of the Financial Crisis
- The Financial Market of the Cross and Up-Selling Insurers from Romania
- Application of United Nations Economic Relations between Romania (1944-1947)
- The Application of Romanian-German Economic Agreements Before and during the Second World War
- Implications of Fraud and Error Risks in the Enterprise Environment and Auditor's Work
- Atypical Integration Process under the Global Crisis
- The role, place and relationships between FDI and GDP for Romania between 2002 - 2010
- European Integration between Equity, Efficiency and Welfare
- The Future of Social Services - Approaches to a Sustainable Social Economy
- The influence of entry mode decisions on international marketing policies. A framework
- Environmental Cost Accounting - Assessing the Environmental Responsibility Effort
- The Basic Challenge in EU Countries Promotion Strategy in Exporting Commercial Services
- SMEs and International Competition: Empirical Evidence for Romanian SMEs
- Quantitative and qualitative aspects of maritime transport services
- The Relationship between Monetary Policy and Financial Stability in the Context of the Recent Global Crisis
- Increasing the Company's Profitability through Logistics Management
- Transformational leadership type in public and private organizations
- Euroregion and Local Economic Development
- Sustainable Local Development and Building Partnerships
- Evolution and Impact FDI in Romania, in the Context of Past and the Present Macroeconomic
- The determination of the main indicators of a production function
- Theoretical Models of Economic Recovery in Recession and Depression Phases
- Human Being and the Philosophical Discourse
- Contribution of Feminism to the Evolution of Deliberative Democracy Concept
- Contemporary feminist discourse, an interdisciplinary approach
- The Integral Text Linguistics as General Text Linguistics.
- Body and Dress in the Civilisation of Spectacles
- Organizational Culture Perspective Ethnological Approach Reflected in the Work of Dimitrie Cantemir
- Organizational and personal dimension's of the conflicts. Strategies for managing group conflicts
- The communication in public administration in urban areas