The unemployment in Europe

AuthorConstantin S.
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series V: Economic Sciences • Vol. 8 (57) No. 2 - 2015
The unemployment in Europe
Abstract: The paper present the evolution of two characteristics, the unemployment rate
and the medium level of education rate also in European Union (28 countries) and
particularly in Romania. The analyzed was made during six years, between 2008 and 2013.
At the end of the paper it was applied a correlation coefficient in order to demonstrate if
there is any link between the two characteristics. The results show that also in the European
Union, as well as in Romania the evolution of the two characteristics has almost the same
tendency during the entire period. Also the Pearson correlation coefficient shows that
between the two indicators, the unemployment rate and the medium level of education rate
there is a negative link but with a very small value which get us to the conclusion that the
correlation is insignificant.
Key-words: unemployment rate, medium level of education rate, labour force
1. Introduction
The unemployment is an economic and social phenomenon when a part of the active
economic population is not occupied in the production and social process.
Even there is not a general definition, the unemployment is defined by most
of the economists and sociologists as the inactivity of a person who wants to work.
From the historical point of view the concept of unemployed worker started to
be used at the end of the XIX century beginning with the development of the
industrial society. The concept was strongly linked with the wage earner concept
and involves the existence of a contract formal or not formal between the employee
and the owner of the company.
There for the unemployed worker is the person who in exchange of
remuneration offer his labour force but he das not found a person to hire him.
When this situation take high proportions serious economic problems appear
in that region or in that country, consists in an increase of social expenses with
supporting the unemployed, increasing the poverty rate and criminality.
1 Transilvania University of Braşov,

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