The marketing perspective on the risks of unqualified real estate market

AuthorMunteanu G.M., Stan A.M.
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series V: Economic Sciences • Vol. 8 (57) No. 2 - 2015
The marketing perspective on the risks of unqualified
real estate market
George Marius MUNTEANU1, Ana Maria STAN2
Abstract: The paper is about the risks of unqualified real estate marketing and how it can
be reduced through the qualification of buyers and sellers. The main risks on this market are
the pricing and the customer requirements therefore the qualification of real estate agents is
important too because it can entail a real estate transaction. The price of a real estate
transaction is set by the interaction between demand and offer. Regarding this it was
described a successful real estate project developed in Transylvania by the German investor,
Maurer Imobiliare.
Key-words: real estate market, unqualified buyer customer, unqualified seller customer,
1. Introduction
The need for this study has arisen not for the purpose of explaining fluctuations of
the real estate market, but for reducing said differences (without considering the
potential crisis), given an underqualified real estate market which, in many cases,
leads to failure to complete a real estate transaction.
We consider that the real estate market has become competitive at national
and international level, so that, properly applying marketing on the real estate sector
may lead to its development and to the correct identification of the real estate buyer
and seller requirements (particularly on the residential market).
The aim of this paper is to analyse the risk factors of an unqualified real estate
market. Throughout the document herein, we shall highlight certain aspects
potentially contributing to the development of the real estate market with regards to
the value of real estate transactions. After analysing their value for the interval 2008
– 2013, a significant increase was noted until 2010, indicating that the real estate
market recovered after the 2007 crisis, and in the year 2011, the value of
1 Transilvania University of Braşov,
2 Transilvania University of Braşov,

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