Sustainable Local Development and Building Partnerships

AuthorViorica Toma
PositionDanubius University of Galati, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Romania
Performance and Risks in the European Economy
Sustainable Local Development and Building Partnerships
Viorica Toma
Abstract: Interest for sustainable develop ment is manifested more strongly in terms emphasis and deepening
pressure fr om the gap between gr owing needs of a growing population a mid increasingly scar ce resources
and difficult to access, if global development policies and liberalizat ion of marke ts and pr ices. Enterprises
attach importance increasingly higher their social accountability. Their expectations in terms of local public
services and hence increase the need for local development efforts, among them a starr ing role policies
adopted by local authorities.
Keywords: optimal development, crisis development, natural capital, local politics, partnership.
JEL Classification: Q1
1. Introduction
Local sustainable development is at the intersection of several areas of public intervention, in this
sense we can consider, in addition to local economic policies, urban policies and planning policies and
strategies of global, European and national protection and growth natural capital.
Local sustainable development in the current context of change of economic and administrative
restructuring should be seen as a dependent entrepreneurial innovation and supported by societal and
institutional mechanisms flexible, with a high degree of cooperation and local and central interaction.
Should, however, that those involved in t his process have competence, tools and confidence they will
be able to carry out what they started. They are based in their approach, the experience of the
European Union, concerning: environmental policy, regional development and local policies, local
autonomy, legislative and institutional system, as well as effective means in practical terms of these
Necessary in this context, to participate in local sustainable development actions, all subjects
economic, social, political, ecological, by forming partnerships to achieve objectives such as tapping
capable of producing a balanced local development, raising standards life, creating jobs, improving the
business environment, more attractive area for new i nvestment, improve local institutional capacity to
develop local economic potential, poverty reduction, implementation of local sustainable development
strategy in all specific areas.
2. Relationship Company Economy-Ecology, Sustainable Development
Growing number of interdisciplinary scientific papers, developed as the Club of Rome reports or other
studies report the emergence and intensification of natural crisis - human economic development.
(Adscliei, 2004)
Danubius University of Galat i, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Romania, Address: 3 Galati Blvd, Galati, Romania, tel:
+40372 361 102, fax: +40372 361 290, Corresponding author:

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