A model for analysing factors which may influence quality management procedures in higher education

AuthorMaican C., Petcu N.
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series V: Economic Sciences • Vol. 8 (57) No. 2 - 2015
A model for analysing factors which may influence
quality management procedures in higher education
Cătălin MAICAN1, Nicoleta PETCU2
Abstract: In all universities, the Office for Quality Assurance defines the procedure for
assessing the performance of the teaching staff, with a view to establishing students’
perception as regards the teachers’ activity from the point of view of the quality of the
teaching process, of the relationship with the students and of the assistance provided for
learning. The present paper aims at creating a combined model for evaluation, based on
Data Mining statistical methods: starting from the findings revealed by the evaluations
teachers performed to students, using the cluster analysis and the discriminant analysis, we
identified the subjects which produced significant differences between students’ grades,
subjects which were subsequently subjected to an evaluation by students. The results of these
analyses allowed the formulation of certain measures for enhancing the quality of the
evaluation process.
Keywords: academic performance, evaluation, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis
1. Introduction
The education process represents a teaching-learning-evaluation activity which is
intended, performed in an educational institutionalized space, by means of given
didactic technology, with certain anticipated and attained results. The sides of the
education process are: teaching, learning and evaluation. The efficiency of the
education process is given by the dynamic interaction between teaching, learning
and evaluation. Each of the three sides of the education process must be correlated
with the others in order to have a real and efficient interaction.
As compared to the traditional didactics, which separates teaching and
learning from evaluation, modern didactics favours the integration of evaluation in
the education process, with a view to supporting the decision-making as regards the
good organisation and progress of the entire process, to facilitating the improvement
and adjustments required along the teaching and learning process (Dinu C., 2011).
1 Transilvania University of Braşov, maican@unitbv.ro
2 Transilvania University of Braşov, nicoleta.petcu@unitbv.ro

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