Local basic food producer facing the challenge of working with multinational supermarket chains

AuthorBucs L., Gradinaru E., Bratucu G.
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series V: Economic Sciences • Vol. 8 (57) No. 2 – 2015
Local basic food producer facing the challenge of
working with multinational supermarket chains
Lóránt BUCS1, Evelina GRDINARU2, Gabriel BRTUCU3
Abstract: This article wants to outline the challenges faced by a loca l basic food producer
in his battle to stay on the market. We will reveal the challenges he’s facing in his own
production lines and also the way he has to adapt to the changing world of the multinational
companies. We will present a short history of the founding and evolution of the company on
the Romanian pastry food market pointing out the relevant events which have marked the
company life during the years. We will also make a short review of the competition on the
market of the pastry food products and we will present the marketing strategy and policies
the company is using to be able to face the new challenges.
Key words: basic food, producer, challenge, selling, multinational companies
1. Introduction
1.1. About the company
The subject of our study is a local basic food producer company acting in the field of
pastry food production. This is a family owned company founded in 1990 by the
father of the actual owner. They have started with 3 employees all family members.
Now days the company has 12 employees and just this year the company is
celebrating 25 years of existence on the Romanian pastry food market.
1.2. About the company products
The company is producing mainly pastry food products. They have 3 big categories
of products:
a.) basic pastry from wheat flour
b.) pastry made from wheat flour and 4 eggs
1 Transilvania University of Braşov, lorantbucs@gmail.com
2 Transilvania University of Braşov, evelina.gradinaru@gmail.com
3 Transilvania University of Braşov, gabriel.bratucu@unitbv.ro

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