Human Being and the Philosophical Discourse

AuthorMirela Arsith
PositionAssociate Professor, PhD, 'Danubius' University of Galati, Romania
European Integration - Realities and Perspectives 2012
Human Being and the Philosophical Discourse
Mirela Arsith
Abstract: The hypothesis from which we start our approach is the one according to which the philosophical
discourse is a specific way of communicating the reality. The base of the philosophical communic ation is
surprise, doubt, uncerta inty, anxiety, all generated by the fundamental interrogations of Kantian origin: How
much am I able to know? What do I have to do? What am I a llowed to hope? The answers to all these
questions were set up in philosophical concepts and visions, all of them leading to communication, trying to
express themselves and make themselves understood. Communicability is the very essence of t he
philosophical approach. Actually, communication i s a fundamental philosophical attitude as I, in my capacity
of human being, live onl y with the other, in full interaction. On my own I am nothing. Throughout this paper
we find arguments for the idea according to which the p hilosophical discourse subordinates an art of
genuinely living and communicating about balance and avoidance of excess, about the ability to assume and
overcome, a bout lucidity and wisdom, about credibility, certainty and truth, ab out freedom and limitation,
about the meaning and value of the human condition.
Keywords: genuine communication; philosophical discourse; the I; the Other; interrogation
1. Introduction
Co-substantiality is a significant characteristic of philosophy and communication. In philosophy,
dialogue accompanied every aspect of philosophy as a representation of the world, as a set of
structures of existence and modes of knowledge catalyst, followed by communication and action.
Albert Camus persisted in believing “that this world has no higher meaning. But I know something
about it makes sense and that is the man, because the man is t he only creature who wants a sense.
(Camus, 1976, p. 34) Understanding the human specifics in the world determines the man to gain self-
awareness, and also awareness of the existence of the other. In a word, the union is achieved through
2. Faces of Philosophical Communication
2.1. Philosophical Meta-discourse
Philosophy is a way of “handling” reality, to value it, being determined by the characteristics of the
age and civilization in which it was developed. A scientific truth is accepted in all fields of
civilization. In philosophy, it may be admitted in a field and rejected in another; it can be promoted at
a time and considered invalid in another. The wonderment was what led Plato and Aristotle to seek the
essence of being, René Descartes, through the methodical doubt, sought to identify the unquestionable
certainty; the stoics wanted to find peace of mind in taking the suffering of life, “each of these
searches has its truth, in historical clothes, each time differently, of certain representations and
particular language” (Jaspers, 1988, p 11). Any philosophical concept tends towards communication,
Associate Professor, PhD,
“Danubius” University of Galati, Ro mania, Address: 3 Galati Blvd, Galati, Romania, tel:
+40372 361 102, fax: +40372 361 290, Corresponding author:

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