Typology of electoral candidates. Case study: Sorin Oprescu

AuthorComan, C.
PositionFaculty of Sociology and Communication, Transilvania University of Brasov
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series VII: Social Sciences • Law • Vol. 4 (53) No. 2 – 2011
Claudiu COMAN1
Abstract: By applying the content analysis tec hnique of communication and
by using analysis patterns such as the theory of rational choices, the
dramaturgical model, the attraction model, the transactional analysis, this
study identifies 4 typical categories of candidates to Romania’s presidency
(elitist, dominating, reactive, sociable). In the analysis of the electoral
itinerary of candidate Sorin Oprescu there are considered aspects such as
identity, symbolism, volunteering, propagandas and medi a exposure, in order
to make a SWOT analysis, thus facilitating the understan ding of the
candidate failure within the election process.
Keywords: electoral campaigns, candidates, content analysis.
1 Faculty of Sociology and Communication, Transilvania University of Braşov.
1. Argument
A persuasive message has the role of
directing preexistent beliefs more than of
creating new ones. By preserving the same
idea we may conclude that the electoral
candidate’s image or his profile contains
the electorate’s elements of faith,
communicated in a noticeably objective
register, as an unjustified form of his daily
activity. T he key to a successful electoral
communication is that of building and
distributing an image of t he candidate
meant to reflect the majority of the
electorate, as we tend to accept those
attitudes and actions of t he individuals that
resemble ours and to reject the unknown or
the peculiar.
This study aims at emphasizing the
typology of the candidates to Romanian
presidency by accentuating the particular
case of Sorin Oprescu. Sorin Oprescu is,
by far one of the most picturesque figures
of the Romanian political scene outlined
within the p ublic space by the means of a
particular behaviour, apart from the
conventional pattern of politics,
characterized by lack of constraints, a
personality and an expression that lack
censorship moments. His communication
style brings him closer to Băsescu’s
typology, but also to the noisy yet tasty
attitudes of Vadim Tudor or G igi Becali.
To these, we add the credibility issue that
favors Sorin Oprescu, outlined during a
long period spent in previous electoral
campaigns. Even if from the

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