The Potential Sources of Change in Romania Regional Policy

AuthorGabriela Marchis
European Integration - Realities and Perspectives. Proceedings 2015
The Potential Sources of Change in Romania Regional Policy
Gabriela Marchis1
Abstract: There have been numerous debates on a new territorial organization of Romania during 2013 and
2014. The miracle of Romania regionalization was deemed to have contradictory effects from territorial
construction to dissolution. Due to the presidential elections from the end of 2014, the process of
regionalization was postponed, but some questions are still very alive: It is necessary to regroup counties into
regions? The low development of Romania regions is caused by the lack of administrative decentralization?
In Romania, territorial reform is synonym with institu tional reform? Therefore, I consider that it is important
to identify the potential sources of change in Romanian regional policy. The political debates on Ro manian
regionalization were mainly focus on political interests, without taking in to account an important serious of
factors that can spur growth and socio-economic development across our regions. Through this paper I try to
investigate the specialised literature in ord er to identify some useful policy suggestions from regional
scientists, which would be proper for Ro mania regional development, in the current context of Eu rope 2020
Keywords: Europe 2020 strategy; government role; creative regions; innovation
JEL Classification: R50; R58; H75
1 Introduction
Regional integration is an old desideratum of Romania, that come into life by law 151/1998, when, in
the context of adhering to European Union, 8 regions were outlined in accordance with European
NUTS II level. The lack of expertise in defining and implementing regional development policies,
together with the lack of a long-run strategic vision of policy-makers, determine that these 8 regions
to be reconfirmed by law 315/2004. Even if, according to Romanian legislation, these regions are not
territorial administrative units, the entire regional institution framework was constructed on the bases
of these 8 regions and Romania succeeded to attract European financial assistance both in pre-
accession and post-adhering periods. Without any scientific justification or practical demonstration,
during 2013 and 2014, Romanian politicians advanced the idea that there is a strong need of change in
Romanian territorial configuration and a series of debates took place on this issue and different models
of how to regroup counties into regions arise. These political debates were focus mainly on
institutional reform and on the election/nomination procedures of representatives in different
1Associate Professor, PhD, ―Danubius‖ University of Galati, Ro mania, Address: 3 Galati Boulevard, 800654 Galati,
Romania, Tel.: +40.372.361.102, fax: +40.372.361.290, Corresponding author:

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