The impact of feeling bored

AuthorRaluca Tarbasan
PositionAlexandru Ioan Cuza University
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşo v
Series VII: Social Sciences Law Vol. 12(61) No. 2 – 2019
Abstract: The scientific interest for boredom has increased lately due to its
impact upon everyday life. The present study investigates the relationship
between boredom proneness and impulsivity upon alcohol consumption. A
total number of 180 students responded to 3 questionnaires measuring
proneness for boredom, impulsivity and alcohol consumption. Results
showed that subjects that feel bored easily are prone to alcohol consumption
as well as those who are impulsive. The interaction between these two
features upon alcohol consumption could not be proven.
Key words: boredom, impulsivity, alcohol consumption, maladaptive
1. Introduction
1.1. A history of boredom
The concept of boredom has been a point of interest for philosophers even since
ancient times. Christians considered that boredom is a sin, being called dryness of the
soul, complete paralyzing of will, inexplicable grief, laziness (Kuhn, 1976 cit. in Martin,
2006). Starting with the XVIIʰ century, it began to be used by French writers, Voltarie
himself declared in 1764 that "boredom is the worst of all conditions” (Kuhn, 1976 cit. in
Martin, 2006). Among the authors that wrote about this subject we recall Baudelaire,
Byron, Durkheim, Kierkegaard, Dostoievsky, Tolstoi, Nietzche, Schopenhauer, Ibsen,
Flaubert, Verlaine. In the XIXᵗʰ century the general opinion upon boredom can be
synthetized by Kierkegaard words: “almost half of the world’s sins are made by fear of
boredom” (Kuhn, 1976 cit. in Martin, 2006).
Moving forward towards time, in the XXᵗʰ century, nothing changes regarding how this
affective state is seen. Nowadays, it is considered that boredom is a consequence of
overstimulation and not of monotony as it has been thought until now . According to
Klapp (1986, cit in Martin, 2006) feeling bored appears in highly developed societies.
Although, nowadays people h ave access to many more interesting and entertaining
activities, the discomfort caused by boredom is visible.
1 Paper presented at the Internatio nal Conference “Psychology, Education and Human Develo pment”,
Brașov, 23-25 May 2019
2 Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iași,

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