Strategies adopted by British universities in the field of higher education. Lessons for Romanian universities

AuthorBoscor D.
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series V: Economic Sciences • Vol. 9 (58) No. 1 - 2016
Strategies adopted by British universities in the field
of higher education. Lessons for Romanian
Abstract: The number of Romanian students who apply to study in foreign universities is
increasing each year. The most important advantages of studying abroad are: high
standards of teaching, close relationship between university and companies, opportunities
for students to work during studies and after graduation, a strong intercultural experience
and improved communication skills. The present article presents the results of a research
based on a focus group consisting of 8 Romanian students enrolled in 2 famous British
universities, who were asked to describe the teaching methods, assessments of students’
work, opportunities to find jobs and internships, quality of facilities, use of information
technology in teaching and financial support offered by the government. The results of the
study highlight that some strategies adopted by British universities might be successfully
used by Romanian universities for attracting international students and for retaining the
existing ones.
Key-words: education, personalized learning, partnerships
1. Introduction
In the global world companies are facing increased competition and challenges and
there is a higher demand for knowledge workers, people who are better educated and
trained. The attitude, skills, behavior and tangible items, the communication way of
the employee are of great importance and represent the organization’s culture and
value (Madar, 2014). Therefore, students apply at the most famous universities, the
image of the university highlighting a certain quality level of education. European
Union’s educational system is, also, facing the same trends. In this sense, European
Union established for itself the objective of becoming the “Europe of Knowledge”,
so, developing education became indispensable (Tescasiu, 2014).
In the process of teaching and learning universities focus on collaboration of
students and projects developed in teams, on innovation, research and
1 Transilvania University of Braşov,

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