The Rise of the New Country - The South Sudan, and the Relation with the EU

AuthorIonel Sergiu Pirju, Mihaela Postolache
European Integration -
Danubius University of G
Danubius Unive
The aim of this article
to vote for the
secession of the la
designed by col onial powers in A
US the North and South have
demarcation and division of oil
European political class recomm
the final results are announced b
is the observation and a case stu
the Yugosla
Misseria (nomadic Arabs of the n
Keywords: secession;
oil revenu
1 Introduction
The Universal Declaration of Hu
human person was presented und
of the Declaration consists in
equal and inalienable rights of al
and peace in the world” (Pream
guarantor for freedom the UN De
Southern part of the Republic of S
their independence from the no
This break away tendency is no
separate taking into account the ra
the 1990 emerged the follow
Germany divided after
es and Perspectives
Rise of the New Country –
uth Sudan
, and the Relation with the
Pîrju I. S.
, Postolache M.
f Galati, Faculty of
International Relations and Eur
iversity of Galati,
icle is to present the reason which determined the 99% of the
e largest country in Africa in a plebiscite that breaks the status
in Africa and the EU interest in the region. Under the supervi
ve yet to sit at the
table to decide on two points that ra
il revenues.
Despite the clear direction taken by the vote in S
mended to keep a low profile and n ot celebrate the breaku
d by the United Natio n.
A qualitative approach is used and the
study about the modalities haw Europe is trying also to preve
by moderating the confrontation between the Dinka (so uth
e north) produced over land and grazing rights for their livesto
; plebiscite; human rights; globalization
Human Rights from December 1948 has a pioneeri
nder the protection of the international laws. One
the next affirmation,, the recognition of the inher
f all members of the human family is the foundatio
amble, The universal Declaration of Human Righ
Declaration, 9 million of persons (animist and Chri
of Sudan, have been decided in January 2011, after
rth of the country (predominantly Muslim).
not a singular one after the World War II, many
e race, the history ,the religions or the political prefe
llowing changes on the World map:
fter the World War II, was reunited after the fall
European Studies
he Southern Sudanese
tus quo of the b orders
rvision of th e EU and
raise blisters: border
n Southern S udan, the
p of the country until
the main method used
event the repetition of
uthern tribe) and the
ering role because every
ne of the main principles
erent dignity and of the
ation of freedom, justice
Considering as a
hristian people) from the
er a plebiscite, to declare
ny other countries were
eferences of the leaders.
all of the Berlin Wall in

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