Quality management in shipping. Case Study: Maersk Line Denmark

AuthorMadar A., Neacsu N.A.
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series V: Economic Sciences • Vol. 9 (58) No. 1 - 2016
Quality management in shipping.
Case study: Maersk Line Denmark
Anca MADAR1, Nicoleta Andreea NEACŞU2
Abstract: Quality assurance has become very important to the majority of production or
service companies with international activity. Maritime transport companies were also
required to take measures to implement a quality management system. Because of navigation
accidents that had a significant impact on shipping, there was designed a ship safety
management code. To put into practice the quality management system, each company
adopts specific quality strategies according to their activity.
Key-words: shipping, quality management, quality strategy, distribution, products
1. Introduction
Shipping is a vast and complex economic activity, both in the volume of goods in
traffic annually and in material value. This complexity is driven also by huge
investments in high-tech, represented by means of modern transport and ports as
transhipment hubs. Meanwhile, the complexity lies in the specific environmental
conditions in which they take place - the seas and oceans - which require special
safety measures.
In making huge volume movement of goods, shipping plays a leading role,
both quantitatively and as efficiency. The seas and oceans form a natural bridge
undeniable, unavoidable, and lasting, effective and necessary between and among
different countries (Caraiani and Georgescu, 2012). Among the most important
benefits of shipping there are (Hollman and Handy, 1994):
shipping is the most economical means of transport of goods, calculated
either on the overall cost or per tonne transported, but especially tonne /
mile, the advantage being highlightedon long distances, overseas;
reported on the distances to be completed, shipping routes require
incomparably lower than terrestrial facilities;
1 Transilvania University of Braşov, ancamadar@unutbv.ro; madaranca@gmail.com
2 Transilvania University of Braşov, deea.neacsu@yahoo.com

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