Personalized Experience Through Mobile Applications in the Retail Field

AuthorIsmana-Ilisan C.M. - Petrache (Lang) B.G.
PositionTransilvania University of Brasov - Transilvania University of Brasov
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşo v
Series V: Economic Sciences Vol. 12 (61) No. 12019
Abstract: In recent years, buying habits have seen a change: even if
traditional shopping in the store has remained the main channel, online
shopping has become increasingly important. Hypermarkets have
experienced the benefits of online commerce, but the trend is to expand
these features in the store. With a digital buy assistant equipped with
location-based personalization, a hypermarket can offer a new and
enhanced experience to customers entering the store with a smartphone.
The digital shopping assistant can be the tool that helps the hypermarket
better know the customer and develop a strong relationship with him/ her.
Keywords: digital assistant, mobile applications, loyalty.
1. Introduction
A hypermarket can create a new generation web store, where the experience and
benefits of personalization can be seen from the customer's behavio ur. Changing
customer behaviour and basket size has proven that customers will appreciate if they
are personally treated. The first major step is to give customers additional experience
when they are in the store. Knowing the exact location, new offers can be offered, not
only personalized, but localized, to offer a personalized custom product to make the
customer more committed. The platform for this experience is a customized digital
assistant application installed on the smartphone, as these devices are used by a large
number of target customers; in addition, all functions can be done with the mobile
implementation combined with a particular sensor technology. There are endless
features to reach the goal of the app and to enhance customer satisfaction, but the first
set includes the following features: call, welcome communication, push-to-person push
notifications to offer a promotional offer to the customer. Furthermore, it is crucial to
have an easy-to-use shopping list that can turn the use of your shoppi ng assistant into a
standard behaviour. With this concept and, of course, with the implemented
application, a hypermarket can collect such data from its customers that were
unavailable before. They will know when customers enter the store, how often they visit
the store, how long they stay in the store, how much time t hey spend in each department,
1 Transilvania University of Braşov,;
2 Transilvania University of Braşov

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