Organizational culture - A factor of potential positive influence on the collectivities of any organization

AuthorMihalache R.A., Albu R.G.
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series V: Economic Sciences • Vol. 9 (58) No. 1 - 2016
Organizational culture - a factor of potential positive
influence on the collectivities of any organization
Ramona-Andreea MIHALACHE1, Ruxandra-Gabriela ALBU2
Abstract: Organizational culture is a relatively new and rapidly expanding concept, but
partly invisible and therefore very difficult analyze, offering in the same time the possibility
to carry out complex studies. This paper was drawn up into two different organizations -
Pentalog Romania, an IT service provider, and House of Dracula Hotel, a tourist unit - and
it is based on a research carried out in order to highlight the importance of organizational
culture within any entity. Considered a powerful strategic tool, the organizational cultur e
can be used for focusing companies and their staff on joint goals, for mobilizing the
initiatives, ensuring loyalty and facilitating intercommunication.
Key-words: organizational culture, in-depth semi-directive interview, values, strategy,
human resources
1. Introduction
Considering the times where organizations currently perform their activities, the
organizational culture became a very important element which may affect the long-
term success. A powerful company is defined as an organization with leaders and
employees aware of the complex patrimony they hold, as their decisions and actions
have the power to orient the energy generated by the organizational culture towards
reaching the goals set within the strategies of the organization they are part of.
One of the most famous authors who approached this concept asserted that
“culture is a set of fundamental believes about how the world is and how it should
be, shared by a group of people and which determines their perceptions, thoughts,
values and in a certain extent, the observable behavior” (Schein, 1992).
The organizational culture is approached by Ovidiu Nicolescu as “the
ensemble of values, beliefs, aspirations, expectations and behaviors outlined in time
within every organizations, which predominate into it and which directly and
indirectly conditions its functionality and performances” (Nicolescu, Androniceanu
and Năstase, 2000).
1 Transilvania University of Braşov,
2 Transilvania University of Braşov,

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