Organisational socialization in the context of career path changes

AuthorMarcela Rodica Luca
PositionTransilvania University of Brasov, Romania
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series VII: Social Sciences • Law • Vol. 9 (58) No. 2 - 2016
Marcela Rodica LUCA1
Abstract: The paper presents the main theoretical issues of the
organisational socialization: theoretical models as well as instruments used
in the field research. The research in the field of organisational socialization
is important mainly in the context of changes in career paths in recent times,
the output of the socialization process being related to work performance, job
satisfaction and organizational involvement.
Key words: organisational socialization, career, career changes
1. Introduction
Organisational socialization constitutes an interesting domain from a practical
perspective, due to the fact that, as years went by, the multi-organisational careers
became the rule and not the exception and the organisations are more and more interested
in facilitating the rapid adaptation of newcomers. It becomes a domain of study all the
more important, considering that in the last decades we have witnessed major changes on
the labour market and in the career world. Two of these changes require knowledge of the
mechanisms of organisational socialization: the multiplication of international companies
and their spread all over the world and the multi-organisational careers.
Globalisation brought along inherent ‘culture clashes’ due to the fact that international
companies came to have branches in more countries and employees coming from
different countries. Some of them work in their own country, but inside companies
pertaining to another culture, others work abroad, in the home-country of the company,
and a third category works in a third-party country, which many times presents no
similarities either with the culture of origin of the employees or with the culture of the
country where the employing company was founded. Apart from the usual impact of the
organisation on the newcomer who belongs to the same culture (the initial research
domain of the socialization was initially limited to Western companies), when cultural
differences are part of the equation, the issue of socialization becomes even more acute.
In the case of multi-organisational careers, when entering every organisation, the
individual goes through a period of organisational socialization which the organisation is
interested to shorten as much as possible.
The concept of socialization is consecrated by Schein (1968), who defined socialization
as a process of learning the ropes of a position, of training and indoctrination of the
1 Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania,

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