Opinions of tourists regarding the accessibility for people with disabilities in the area of Brasov County

AuthorBratucu G., Chitu I.B., Dinca G., Stefan M.
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series V: Economic Sciences • Vol. 9 (58) No. 1 - 2016
Opinions of tourists regarding the accessibility for
people with disabilities in the area of Braşov County
Gabriel BRTUCU1, Ioana Bianca CHIU2,
Gheorghia DINC3, Mdlina ŞTEFAN4
Abstract: This paper aims to present tourists’ opinions on the touristic destination - Brasov
County, regarding accessibility for individuals with disabilities. Accessibility of disabled
individuals is an actual subject, keeping in mind that in the European Union 1 of 6 persons
has a disability. Results of the quantitative research conducted on a sample of 1119 tourists
can be used by tourism stakeholders in order to develop facilities that allow increased
accessibility for people with disabilities.
Key words: accessible tourism, persons with disabilities, quantitative research.
1. Introduction
Accessibility of tourism products currently represents an extremely important issue
considered not only on national level but also internationally, and at European
Union level. This is due to statistical data, which indicates, for example, in the
European Union, the existence of almost 80 million disabled people (1 in 6 people
has a disability) (European Commission, 2010).
In Romania, at the end of 2015, the total number of persons with disabilities
was of 766.153, the growth in 2006-2015 being of 50% (ANPD, 2015). Social
inclusion and the full participation of these persons in the society is a concern of the
EU, which is a signatory of the ONU Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities (European Commission 2016). Law no. 448/2006 specifies that "persons
with disabilities are those persons who, because of physical, mental or sensory lack
of the skills to carry out normal daily activities, requiring protection measures in
support of recovery, integration and social inclusion" (law no 448/2006).
1 Transilvania University of Braşov, gabriel.bratucu@unitbv.ro
2 Transilvania University of Braşov, ioana.chitu@unitbv.ro
3 Transilvania University of Braşov, gheorghita.dinca@unitbv.ro
4 Transilvania University of Braşov, madalina.stefan@unitbv.ro

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