Observations With Regards To China's Relations With Romania And Moldova

AuthorDaniel Haitas
LESIJ NO. XXV, VOL. 2/2018
China’s importance in the international arena is increasing, also including in the European
region. In recent times there has particularly been an attempt to intensify relations in the context of the
Belt and Road Initiative and in the case of Central and Eastern Europe, also through the creation of
the 16 + 1 format. Two countries with connections to these initiatives are Romania and Moldova, the
former being a European Union Member State and the latter a country with an Association Agreement
with the European Union. Romania h istorically has strong ties to China, going back to the Cold War
period, while Moldova now appears to have the potential be able to p lay the role of an important
partner for China in Eastern Europe.
Keywords: China, Romania, Moldova, European Un ion, Belt and Road Initiative, bilateral
1. Introduction
The rise of China and its growing
influence has become a major factor in
shaping the present international
environment. As a result, we have seen
China strengthening its relations with
various countries around the globe,
particularly in the context of the Belt and
Road Initiative. Europe has been no
exception to this, including the Central and
Eastern European region. An important
example of China reinforcing its ties to this
region can be seen in the dev eloping of its
relations with both Romania and Moldova.
Here there will be an overview of the basic
framework of China-Romania relations, and
important developments that have taken
place in this relationship over time. Keeping
The study was made under the scope of the Ministry of Justice’s program on strengthening the quality of legal
education/Az Igazságügyi Minisztérium jogászképzés színvonalának emelését célzó programjai keretében valósult meg.
Junior Research Fellow, MTA-DE Public Service Research Group, Lecturer and PhD Candidate, Géza Marton
Doctoral School of Legal Studies, Faculty of Law, University of Debrecen (e-mail: danielhaitas@gmail.com).
Xinhua: China, Romania agree to deepen cooperation in infrastructure, finance, 8 July 2018,
http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-07/08/c_137309015.htm (last access 14.09.2018).
in mind that 201 9 will mark 70 years of the
establishment of diplomatic relations
between Romania and the People’s Republic
of China
, the author considers this article as
a timely contribution to the literature on this
important and current subject. Furthermore,
this article shall also briefly survey China’s
relations with Moldova. The latter offers an
interesting example of a small co untry in
Eastern Europe which can be said to exist at
a geopolitical crossroads, which appears to
be pursuing so mething of a multivector
foreign policy, part of which is the
strengthening of bilateral relations with

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