Multivariate analysis of marketing data - applications for bricolage market

AuthorFanaru M.
Bulletin of Transilvania University of Braşov
Series V: Economic Sciences • Vol. 9 (58) No. 2 – 2016
Multivariate analysis of marketing data -
applications for bricolage market
Abstract: By using concepts and analytical tools for computing, marketing is directly
related to the quantitative methods of economic research and other areas where the
efficiency of systems performances are studied. Any activity of the company must be
programmed and carried out taking into account the consumer. Providing a complete
success in business requires the entrepreneur to see the company and its products through
the consumers eyes, to act as representative of its clients in order to acquire and satisfy their
desires. Through its complex specific activities, marketing aims to provide goods and
services the consumers require or right merchandise in the right quantity at the right price at
the right time and place. An important consideration in capturing the link between marketing
and multivariate statistical analysis is that it provides more powerful instruments that allow
researchers to discover relationships between multiple configurations of the relationship
between variables, configurations that would otherwise remain hidden or barely visible. In
addition, most methods can do this with good accuracy, with the possibility of testing the
statistical significance by calculating the level of confidence associated with the link
validation to the entire population and not just the investigated sample.
Key-words: marketing, consumer, multivariate statistical analysis, variables
1. Introduction
A good analogy to express the relationship between the information contribution of
univariate and bivariate methods on one hand and that of the multivariate, on the
other hand, could be for example, just like making a comparison between
black&white and color photos. As it can be understood from its name, multivariate
means, in the simplest sense, ”many variables considered simultaneously” in the
analysis, in most cases involving more than two variables. In this respect,
multivariate methods can analyze the networking of several variables analyzed
simultaneously, based on a specific model for each individual method.
Most of the techniques identify configurations of similarities or links between
variables, or make predictions or estimate the relative importance of each variable in
predicting or explaining certain variables.
1 Transilvania University of Braşov,

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