Local timber firm looking forward to develop on medium term

AuthorBucs L., Trifan A., Gradinaru E.
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series V: Economic Sciences • Vol. 9 (58) No. 2 - 2016
Local timber firm looking forward to develop on
medium term
Lóránt BUCS 1, Adrian TRIFAN2, Evelina GRDINARU3
Abstract: This article intends to outline the challenges faced by a local timber company in
struggle to resist on medium-term on the market. There will be revealed the challenges the
company is facing, and also the ways to adapt to the changing world of timber industry.
There will be presented a short history of the founding and the evolution of the company on
the local and international market, pointing out the relevant events which have marked the
life of the company during the years. There will also be presented a short review of the
competition on the market and the marketing strategy and policies which the company is
using to be able to face the new challenges.
Key-words: timber, service, challenge, lease work, competition, selling, premium product
1. Introduction
1.1. About the company
The subject of our study is a local timber company called Premiumwood Ltd, acting
in the field of timber production, wood processing and selling. The company was
founded in 2011 by two local and one foreign business man. They have started with
6 employees. Nowadays the company has 24 employees and this year the company
is celebrating 5 years of existence on the timber market. The company is acting in a
premium niche of the timber industry. They are buying and processing only old
wood resulting from demolition of old buildings and constructions. The main idea is
to preserve the original-old-look of the wood and to have the same look also in the
final products. These kinds of products have a rising market especially in countries
like Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The products are very appreciated in the
HORECA market segment, in the tourist visited areas and ski resorts of the
mentioned countries.
1 Transilvania University of Braşov, , lorantbucs@gmail.com
2 Transilvania University of Braşov, adrian.trifan@unitbv.ro
3 Transilvania University of Braşov, evelina.gradinaru@gmail.com

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