Kitsch as aesthetic recuperation

AuthorAndreea Ivan
PositionTransilvania University of Brasov
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series VII: Social Sciences • Law • Vol. 9 (58) No. 1 - 2016
Andreea IVAN1
Abstract: The case study provided by the analysis of Daniela Zeca’s
Oriental Trilogy novels reveals the enterprise professional literary critics
embark upon when they convert a short-term bestseller into a long-term
bestseller, namely into a classic book. It therefore becomes evident that there
exist the kitsch of a literary work and the kitsch of its critical reception.
Literary critics, regarded as actors with a significant role in the production
of a work of art, are responsible for the propagation of kitsch, the ethical
evil, when they deceit their audience.
Key words: kitsch, critical reception, Daniela Zeca, short-time bestseller,
long-time bestseller.
1. Introduction
Paramount to the discourse on kitsch is Hermann Broch’s theory, which presents kitsch
not as a mere aesthetic category, but rather as an ethical or metaphysical one. To the
Austrian thinker, kitsch disrupts the obligatory connection between the ethical component
of any formative action and its aesthetic counterpart. Kitsch does not advance knowledge,
such as a good work of art should do, but it reaches at once for the effect, for the
beautiful. It does so by imitating the formal characteristics of art. Kitsch, in almost all of
its instances, is defined as forgery, as it parades as art (Broch, 2002, pp. 3-39).
It is precisely this attempt to affect the appearance of authentic art that is kitsch par
excellence. It may well be that not only kitsch authors are responsible for this imposture,
but other actors active in the process of production of a work of art. Following Pierre
Bourdieu’s theory, we try to bring forth the fact that literary critics abuse the importance
of their position in the literary field by imposing on their audience works of art
incompatible with the aesthetic standards of high art. Therefore, the literary critic
impinges on the ethics of their profession, in their instance as promoters of low art.
In his classic study Rules of art, the French sociologist presents the field of literary
production as divided by the degree in which the makers of cultural objects are perceptive
to the demand of the market. Consequently, there exists the subfield of large production,
very sensitive to the demands of the market and whose success is determined by large
sales figures. At the other side of the cultural field, we find the small-scale cultural
production, where large sales figures are equivalent to aesthetic scarcity, whose aim is the
accumulation of symbolic capital, proper to the field of literary production. The time
interval necessary for the recuperation of capital – be it economic or symbolic – defines
the length of the production cycle which, in turn, positions a cultural endeavour inside the
1 Transilvania University of Braşov,

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