Intervention methods for drugs users rehabilitation

AuthorIrina Fainaru
PositionCenter for Financial and Monetary Research 'Victor Slavescu' of the Romanian Academy, University of Bucharest
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series VII: Social Sciences • Law • Vol. 9 (58) No. 1 - 2016
Abstract: The problem of the use of the psycho-active substances known as
"ethno-botanical" is a very topical subject. With the development of the
society, drug trafficking has spread so much, reaching global dimensions.
Millions of young people fall prey to these substances, which initially are not
an imminent danger, but later, become a difficulty to escape nightmare. The
professionals helpers may requires special training in order to efficient
intervene to assist them. The intervention methods used by them manage to
determine positive changes in the young drug users’ lives.
Key words: psycho-active substances, drug use (abuse), rehabilitation.
1 Center for Financial and Monetary Research "Victor Slăvescu" of the Romanian Academy, University of
1. Introduction
The consumption of new substances having psychoactive properties known as
“designer drugs” is a phenomenon that makes more and more victims every day.
Unfortunately, those “targeted” by the merchandisers of such products are the
adolescents. Most of the times young people are an easy prey as they lack the experience,
they are naive, willing to make experiments, and curiosity is a part of human nature; they
are also most impulsive, they make decisions in a moment without considering the
consequences as they can be easily influenced.
The new substances with psychoactive properties generically called “designer drugs”
are like the synthetic cannabinoids or synthetic stimulants that have the properties similar
to the amphetamine s (amphetamine type stimulants or ATS). They were originally sold
worldwide in physical stores and through online retail networks approximately in 2006.
In Romania, they started to appear in the last period of the year 2008, becoming shortly
after very popular among young people. According to the Annual Report of the European
Observatory for Drugs and Toxicomania, in 2010 a number of 41 new substances have
been reported in comparison with the year 2009 (24 substances) and the year 2008 (13
substances). These substances are varied and they include: substances with psychoactive
properties obtained from plants, synthetic cannabinoids, piperazins, synthetic catinons
and other new groups of synthetic substances. The EMCDDA also conducts studies in
order to research which of the substances having psychoactive properties are available
online. Thus in 2009 in Europe there have been identified 115 online shops dealing with

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