Interpol Issues Debated in the Scientific Literature of the Russian Federation

AuthorSterpu, V.
PositionPhd Student, State University of Moldova Republic
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series VII: Social Sciences • Law • Vol. 6 (55) No. 1 - 2013
Vladimir STERPU1
Abstract: The activity of International Criminal Police Organization –
Interpol, reflects itself poorly in the scientific literature of the Russian
Federation. In the former URSS, crime issues were exclusively of state
internal competence, with a negative opinion regarding the possibility of
participation in Interpol activities. That’s why the Interpol issue was never
granted a full revaluation during the soviet period. Only after the URSS’s fall
and the enhancement of international contacts, the interest for the Interpol
topic began to rise in the scientif ic field.
Key words: Interpol, Ministry of Internal Affairs, organization, terrorism.
1 Phd Student, State University of Moldova Republic.
1. Introduction
The activity of International Criminal
Police Organization – Interpol, reflects
itself poorly in the scientific literature of
the Russian Federation. As an explanation
for that we can mention the secured
character of the institution and the rigid
filtration of the worldwide delivered
information. At international level,
information can be accessed on the
websites or, but at the local level
the information becomes concise with only
general aspects on the website of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian
Federation (
The posted information include the
personality of the Interpol NCB Chief, the
collaboration with Europol, official logos
of NCB Interpol of the Ministry of Internal
Affairs of the Russian Federation, the
ordinance on NCB Interpol of the Ministry
of Internal Affairs of the Russian
Federation and Interpol alerts.
In the former URSS, crime issues were
exclusively of state internal competence,
with a negative opinion regarding the
possibility of participation in Interpol
activities. That’s why the Interpol issue
was never granted a full revaluati on during
the soviet period. Only after the URSS’s
fall and the enhancement of international
contacts, the interest for the Interpol topic
began to rise in the scientific field.
The scientific publications that appeared
in the Russian Federation and submitted
for analysis carry a predominant
international legal character, practically
excluding the Interpol topic discussion
from the view of other scientific fields due
to the specificity of the organization. The
carried out activity is based on Criminal
Law, Criminal Procedural Law and

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