Intensifying the intrinsic motivation by differentiating the teaching strategies in higher education

AuthorTulbure, C.
PositionFaculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Transilvania University of Brasov
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series VII: Social Sciences • Law • Vol. 4 (53) No. 2 - 2011
Cristina TULBURE1
Abstract: Learning motivation represents one of the most im portant
predictors of academic achievement in higher education. In this em pirical
study, we have imple mented a formative program to improve the university
students’ academic achievement and their intrinsic learning motivation. To
fully use t heir intellectual potential, students were treated according to their
learning style, thro ughout one academic year. When we considered the
within subject design, both intrinsic motivation and academic achieveme nt
significantly increased at the end of the study. Only intrinsic motivation
proved t o be significantly higher for the between subject comparison.
Because our formative program proved to have a signif icant impact on
students’ learning motiva tion, we recommend the differenti ated teaching
strategies to improve the academic achievement in higher education.
Key words: learning m otivation; academic achievement; learning styles;
differentiated instruction.
1 Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Transilvania University of Braşov.
1. Introduction
As an internal variable having a support
role in releasing and encouraging the
individual behaviour, motivation
conditions the efficiency of the learning
activity and implicitly the academic
achievement. For the question ‘What are
the solutions we may find in order to
intensify the intrinsic motivation within the
frame of the instructional process?’, the
specialists in t he field of school and
university psycho-pedagogy offer a
possible answer: differentiated instruction.
The specialty literature consigns numerous
studies that underline the significant
impact of differentiated instruction upon
the learning motivation of pupils and
students [3], [6], [13-16]. More than that,
there is considerable research
demonstrating that differentiating
instruction according to individuals’
particularities contributes to the
improvement of the level of academic
achievement [1], [2], [7], [8]. For example,
the studies designed by Lewiss and Batts
[apud 13], disclose significant increase in
pupils’ performances as a consequence of a
5-year differentiated instruction program.
Thus, if before the differentiated
instruction the pupils’ results in summative
testing at the end of the school year
indicated a promotion rate of 79%,
consequently to the differentiated

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