Graduates' integration on the labour market

AuthorPalade, A. - Constantin, C.
PositionStudent at Marketing Policies and Strategies Master Program, Transilvania University of Brasov - Dept. of Marketing, Tourism and International Relations, Transilvania University of Brasov
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series V: Economic Sciences Vol. 6 (55) No. 1 - 2013
Abstract: This paper contains a research study about the integration of 1 st
cycle gr aduates on the labour market. Marketing r esearch was carried out
among university gra duates, emphasising their career path a fter gra duating,
taking into account that graduates’ job pla cement h as acq uired gr eat
importance in higher education. The conclusion drawn in the pa per is that
career counselling and orientation should be fostered for students, while more
weight should be given to pra ctical placements in the study programs’
curriculum, in order to build specific competences for students, which make
them capable to obta in a better job position after gr aduation.
Key words: labour market, mar ket resea rch, career path, higher educa tion
1. Introduction
In recent years, the professional insertion
of graduates has become a difficult process,
such that an increasingly longer period of
time is required from their graduation until
they find a job. However, this process plays
a crucial role in adapting to economic and
social life and in the further development of
young people. Therefore, in this paper we
aimed to analyse the integration of
university graduates in the labour market.
We chose as a case study the Faculty of
Economic Sciences and Business
Administration of Transilvania University
of Brasov, Romania.
Given the difficulty for young people to
find a job after the completion of their first
cycle of studies, a survey was conducted
among graduates regarding their insertion
on the labour market. The research was
conducted in November and December
2012, and its main purpose was to identify
1 Student at Marketing Policies and Strategies Master Program, Transilvania University of Braşov.
2 Dept. of Marketing, Tourism and International Relations, Transilvania University of Braşov.
the intentions of the target population in
terms of their career path. Thus, we aimed
to identify the attitude of graduates with
regard to the improvements that should be
made by the faculty to facilitate the
provision of a professional career in the
graduates’ field of study, as well as their
attitude towards the chosen career path.
Based on the research results, we
concluded that greater emphasis must be
placed on the practical activities rather than
on the theory, so that young people may
have a better chance to integrate into the
labour market. Also, policies on lifelong
learning should be developed. To increase
the chances of possible employment and
add value to the knowledge acquired,
graduates should be in-line with
technological changes.

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