Fuzzy logic approach to SWOT analysis for economics tasks and example of its computer realization

AuthorChernov V., Dorokhov O., Dorokhova L.
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series V: Economic Sciences • Vol. 9 (58) No. 1 - 2016
Fuzzy logic approach to SWOT analysis for economics
tasks and example of its computer realization
Vladimir CHERNOV1, Oleksandr DOROKHOV2, Liudmyla DOROKHOVA3
Abstract: The article discusses the widely used classic method of analysis, forecasting and
decision-making in the various economic problems, called SWOT analysis. As known, it is a
qualitative comparison of multicriteria degree of Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat
for different kinds of risks, forecasting the development in the markets, status and prospects
of development of enterprises, regions and economic sectors, territorials etc. It can also be
successfully applied to the evaluation and analysis of different project management tasks -
investment, innovation, marketing, development, design and bring products to market and so
on. However, in practical competitive market and economic conditions, there are various
uncertainties, ambiguities, vagueness. Its making usage of SWOT analysis in the classical
sense not enough reasonable and ineffective. In this case, the authors propose to use fuzzy
logic approach and the theory of fuzzy sets for a more adequate representation and post-
treatment assessments in the SWOT analysis. In particular, has been short showed the
mathematical formulation of respective task and the main approaches to its solution. Also
are given examples of suitable computer calculations in specialized software Fuzicalc for
processing and operations with fuzzy input data. Finally, are presented considerations for
interpretation of the results.
Key-words: fuzzy SWOT analysis, qualitative methods, economic uncertainly, fuzzy
modelling, linguistic assessments, risks forecasting
1. Introduction
The In solving the a wide range of economic problems by researchers, especially in
the early stages, usually used a standard set of well-known and proven methods of
analysis, forecasting and decision-making. Among them, in particular, it is worth
mentioning statistical methods, simulation tools and other types of modelling,
1 Vladimir State University, Department of Computer Science and Management in Technical and
Economic Systems, Vladimir, Russia, vladimir.chernov44@mail.ru
2 Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Department of Information Systems,
Kharkiv, Ukraine, aleks.dorokhov@meta.ua
3 National Pharmaceutical University, Department of Management and Marketing in Pharmacy,
Kharkiv, Ukraine, liudmyladorokhova@gmail.com

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