Forecasting the Economic Growth in Romania with the Cobb-Douglas Production Function

AuthorDuguleana L.
PositionTransilvania University of Brasov
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series V: Economic Sciences Vol. 12 (61) No. 2 2019
Abstract: The Cobb-Douglas production function is an important analysis
tool which is used to characterize th e supply side of the Romanian economy
capacity, during 2000-2017, and to forecast the future tendency of economic
growth for the next two years. The study c omprises two approac hes of the
Romanian economy forecasting. One approach consists of building two
scenarios, one optimistic and another pessimistic, based on th e target
output of IMF experts’ opinions. We compared these scenarios of the results
for three sub-periods and for the entire analysed period. Another approach
was to compound the separate forecasts of factors. The results proved to be
consistent between the two approaches, as well as regarding the historical
Key words: eco nomic growth, Cobb -Douglas production func tion, growth
decomposition, target output based forecasts; factor forecasts.
1. Introduction
The economic performance and output growth measurement have represented the
focus of many researchers and economists of national and international institutions,
well-known for their contributions in theorizing concepts in the economic practice
(Gălăţescu, et al. 2007; Strulik 2012, 2014; Stiglitz et al. 2009; Shahin 2012; Dowrick
1995; Andersen and Gruen 1995; Tanner 2014, 2017).
The technical progress is considered to be an exogenous factor which comprises not
only the technical innovative changes, but also the policy-induced changes, which can
affect the capital stock growth, mainly the changes in the investment/GDP ratio.
The most empirical studies do not suggest macro-policies have much influence on
labour force growth (Andersen and Gruen, 1995), although the role of
entrepreneurship on the Total Factor Productivity in the long run has been proved
(Erken et al. 2018).
The technical progress was similar during the development process for almost all the
Transilvania University of Braşov,
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov Series V Vol. 12 (61) No. 2 - 2019
countries. The growth differences between countries emphasize the exogenous
character of policies and economic decisions o f policy-makers, which have influenced
the economic growth, being also a measure of total factors’ productivity (Dowrick 1995).
The growth differences between countries are especially influenced by the initial
economic conditions, and more, by the initial level of productivity. These aspects of the
initial conditions even of endogenous nature are considered by Dowrick (1995) as semi-
exogenous. The subsequent growth is determined to a certain extent by the starting
point. The estimation of TFP was a m ain theme for researchers Gehringer, Martínez-
Zarzoso, and Nowak-Lehmann Danzinger (2014).
Measuring the stock of capital was an important subject, also the estimation based on
the perpetual inventory method in many scientific research studies (Berlemann and
Wesselhöft 2014; Nehru and Dhareshwar 1993; Corrado et al. 2005; Scutaru et al. 2008).
2. Objectives
The purpose of this analysis was to make a forecasting for the Romanian economic
growth in 2018 and 2019, based on the quarterly historical data during 2000-2017.
Our analysis regarded the modalities of o btaining the forecasts, and the checking of
their consistency from a dynamic perspective.
Using the Cobb-Douglas production function for the decomposition method of the
factors' contributions to output growth allows a prospective overview on the economic
After applying the Cobb-Douglas function on the historical quarterly data of the
Romanian economy for three sub-periods identified during the period 2000 2017, we
used the Cobb-Douglas function to forecast the growth of the Romanian economy for
2018 and 2019.
The forecasting approaches are of two types: a target forecast based on IMF experts’
opinion and an independently established one, based on separate forecasts of factors
and their compounding in different scenarios.
The conclusions present the comparisons of the economic growth forecasts, including
the further directions of research and the limitations of the study.
3. Methodology of Research
3.1. The Cobb-Douglas production function, an analysis tool of the economy capacity
An important analysis tool of the supply drivers of economic growth is the growth
decomposition. The production function represents a tool which can summarize the
production constraint of an economy, i.e. the volume of goods and services that it is
able to produce. Trying to measure these two factors also offers us an im age of the
efficiency o f their use for obtaining the output: goods and services. The aspect
connected to the efficient use of the production factors is the Total Factor Productivity.

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