Flat tax sustainability in the Euro Zone

AuthorPopescu, D.
PositionPhD. Student, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 6 (55) No. 1 - 2013
Series V: Economic Sciences
Abstract: This paper explores the sustainability of the flat tax system in the
conditions of euro a doption. Estonia and Slovakia a re the only countries tha t
experience both flat ta x a nd euro. A compar ative ana lysis of flat tax
sustainab ility in Slovakia and Estonia offers th e conclusion that the
Romanian flat tax system is not susta inable from the perspective of the eur o
adoption cr iterion.
Key words: flat tax, euro zone, sustaina bility.
1 PhD. Student, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu.
1. Introduction
The flat tax “revolution” in the European
Union seems to find its end in the current
economic climate.
Slovakia and the Czech Republic, two of
the eight European Union Countries that
experienced flat tax system, replaced it in
2013 considering that a flat tax rate “does
not have a place in this” (9). So Estonia
remains the only one out of the sixteen
countries from the Eurozone with a flat tax
A question arises: whether flat tax could
be maintained under the condition of EMU
The sustainability of the flat tax has
changed from the beginning of its
European experience. Passing through two
big economic crises (the bubble crisis and
the debt sovereign crisis), the European
Union sets strongest fiscal rules for its
EMU members. This is the “world”
mentioned by the Slovakian prime
minister, Fico.
In Section 2 of this article, we review the
economic literature about the sustainability
of the flat tax system and show in Section
3 what has changed in the flat tax
sustainability in Estonia, Slovakia and
Romania, a country that ratified the Fiscal
Compact in 2012. Section 4 treats
supplementary challenges for the flat tax
system under EMU conditions.
In the conclusion, we show that in
Romania, the sustainability of the flat tax
system is not valid, given the conditions of
euro adoption.
2. Flat tax sustainability: a review
There is a rich literature about the
advantages and disadvantages of a flat tax
with a lot of adepts and enemies. Despite
these large emulations, empirical analyses
of the effects of a flat tax reform are very
few. And fewer are the studies about the
sustainability of this system even if we talk
about fiscal sustainability, political
sustainability or social sustainability.
The sustainability aspect of the flat tax
system that is researched here does not
have the classical economic meaning of
sustainability. A single tax from the puzzle
of a national fiscal system cannot count for

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