Evolution of the Romanian Labour Market - Analysis and Forecast of Statistical Indicators from 2005 to 2019

AuthorGrajdieru (Coman) E. - Ciongradi M.
PositionTransilvania University of Brasov - Transilvania University of Brasov
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşo v
Series V: Economic Sciences Vol. 11 (60) No. 22018
FROM 2005 TO 2019
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to forecast the number of job
vacancies on the Romanian labour market using an econometric model. In
order to achieve this purpose, the researchers analysed eight statistical
indicators using the multiple regression. The conclusions point out that only
four of independent variables have a significant influence on the number of
vacancies and only these were used for forecasting. Research results show
that in 2019 there will be a significant increase in the number of vacancies.
This is largely due to the drop in the number of the usual resident population.
Key words: labour shortages, job vacancies, econometric model, forecasting
1. Introduction
After the 1989 revolution the Romanian labour market underwent considerable
changes. Because of the closure of many factories and state-owned enterprises the
unemployment rate rose sharply. If in 1991 the unemployment rate was only 3%, in
1992 it almost tripled, reaching 8.2%, and in 1999 a maximum rate of 11.8% was
recorded (Tempo, 2018). In 2003 the situation began to improve, a nd since 2005 the
phenomenon of labour shortage has emerged (Cindrea, 2007, p.25). Labour shortages
occur when demand for a certain category of specialists exceeds the supply of qualified
workers that are looking for a job in a particular field (Visco, 2001, p.4). This
phenomenon is largely caused by the fact that the number of active enterprises has
doubled from 2005 to 201 6 (Tempo, 2018), as well as negative natural growth and
population migration.
The phenomenon of labou r shortages is reflected in the number of vacancies, which
depends largely on the eco nomic activity of enterpri ses, but also on certain demographic
and labour market indicato rs. The purpose of this paper is to establish the validity of the
regression model to use it to forecast the average number of job vacancies.
1 Transilvania University of Braşov, ecaterina.grajdieru@unitbv.ro
2 Transilvania University of Braşov, ioana.ciongradi@unitbv.ro

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