Evaluation in the teaching/ learning process of foreign languages: the case of higher education business programmes

AuthorArmasar I.P.
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series V: Economic Sciences Vol. 10 (59) No. 2 - 2017
Evaluation in the teaching/ learning process of
foreign languages: the case of higher education
business programmes
Ioana Paula ARMĂSAR1
Abstract: An essential element of the teaching practice, student assessment has
individualizing features in the language teaching / learning progress. This article aims at
optimizing the evaluation process, by analyzing both its positive and undesirable effects.
Integrating the theoretical background of the documents developed by the Council of Europe
into language teaching practice can have a formative, evaluative and self-evaluative benefit.
The switch of the assessment actors (teachers evaluated by the students) aims at adapting the
didactic strategies to real situations while preserving the principles and the values system.
Keywords: assessment, evaluator, didactics, teaching st rategy, educational system,
objectivity, competences
1. Assessmenta fundamental element of the didactic process
At all levels of any educational system, evaluation (in addition to objectives,
content, methods etc.) is an essential component of the didactic process, featuring
emblematic characteristics that distinguish it from the other fields of social life
where it is frequently encountered. Preliminary actions imply setting the purposes
and the objectives of the assessment, as well as the mitigating measures stemming
from its results. The role of the teacher is essential in the evaluation of the obtained
data and of the conclusions drawn. In addition, it is fundamental for the adjustment
of the students' behaviour, as it might also require the adjustment of the initial
objectives, of the didactic material and of the teaching techniques and, not least, of
the teacher's own behaviour. “In this process, the teacher is the keeper of the values
and norms governing the interpersonal academic space, therefore he epitomizes
authority and holds power. [...] The evaluation is rationally based on the appraisal
results, on the pedagogical norms and principles, but it also has subjective roots,
depending on the values, on the pedagogical vision, on the beliefs or stereotypes of
the evaluator, which are difficult to recognize and manage.”(Cocoradă, 2008: 84)
1 Transilvania University of Braşov, armasar@unitbv.ro

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