Entrepreneurial personality and entrepreneurial behaviour

AuthorMarcela Rodica Luca
PositionTransilvania University of Brasov
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series VII: Social Sciences Law Vol. 10 (59) No. 1 - 2017
Marcela Rodica LUCA1
Abstract: The paper presents a literature analysis concerning the concept
of entrepreneurial personality. Several topics are discussed, such as:
entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial personality, personality traits and factors
associated with entrepreneurship, context variables influencing
entrepreneurial behaviour, psychological explanations of entrepreneurial
Key words: entrepreneurial personality, personality traits, Big Five, Big
Three of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship.
1. Entrepreneurship as a Study Field
The entrepreneurial behaviour has been considered to be an engine of economic and
social development ever since Max Weber (1934), for whom ‘the entrepreneurial spirit’
was the direct result of the education derived from protestant ethics. Psychologists such
as McClelland (1961) or Furnham (1990) developed this idea and looked for the
determinants of entrepreneurial behaviour in the personality features modelled by
protestant ethics. In a country such as Romania, where, for five decades, people were
educated to consider entrepreneurship as a manifestation of dishonesty (the label of
‘black marketer’ was attached to the ones who tried to start what today we would call
‘small business’) under the circumstances of a society which forbade and punished such
behaviour, the entrepreneurial spirit was blamed as being capitalist, suspect and a threat
to the communist social order. After the 1989 Revolution, the mentalities started to
change with the development of the private economic sector and with the apparition of a
new social categorythe businessmen.
The promotion of entrepreneurship started to be considered a priority in many
countries, including Romania, due to the fact that, as Max Weber, McClelland (1961) and
others sustained, it is a factor of economic development and a source of national wealth,
as it creates jobs in different activity sectors and includes some disadvantaged social
categories, such as different types of minorities, including women.
Entrepreneurship is relatively recent as a research domain, the first researches being
mentioned in the 70’s, present mostly in western countries, in faculties which offered
specialisations in business administration. The entrepreneurship courses were initiated,
however, long before that, after World War II (Cooper, 2005). Due to the multiplication
1 Transilvania University of Brașov, Romania, marcela.luca@unitbv.ro

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