Educational and pastoral counseling. Axiological and praxiological concerns

AuthorM. Moraru/C. S. Voicu
PositionOvidius University of Constanta/Ovidius University of Constanta
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşo v
Series VII: Social Sciences Law Vol. 12(61) No. 1 – 2019
Abstract: The educational counseling, an integral part of the pedagogical
correlation between educator and student, represents an important factor in
preventing difficulties that can interfere with the psycho-social development
of the student. Similarly, pastoral counseling, a component of the missionary
activity performed by the Church, highlights the values of Christian Morality
that are shared to all growing individuals, not only, but it has the purpose to
correct the behavioural deviations and lackings, both spiritual and
educational. Both educational and pastoral counseling are preoccupied, in
the same manner, with the valorization of human dignity and quality, of free
communication of one’s emotions, experiences, aspirations, both personal
and professional, of the responsibility of one’s decisions, of the seriousness
and competence in relation to one’s problems. The present study proposes a
comparative analysis of the notes defining the educational counseling and
pastoral counseling in axiological and praxiological terms. Also, we wanted
to highlight the necessity of a real collaboration between family, school and
Church, to prevent parents-children conflicts. In this regard, we want to
describe a case of educational and pastoral intervention.
Keywords: counseling, educational counseling, pastoral counseling,
partnership Family-School-Church
1. Introduction
In a society under the impetus of rapid develo pment, in which things experience
unprecedented dynamics, the individual is forced t o adapt to new working and living
conditions, which is not without persona l consequences. The deficiencies they can
develop are shortcomings of educational, emotional, socio-professional, spiritual, and
not only. In this context, we consider t he educational counseling and pastoral counseling
activities undertaken at a family, school and Church level. The present study does not
propose a quantitative research. It proposes a comparative analysis of the notes
defining the educational c ounseling and pastoral counseling in axiological and
1 Paper presented at the Internationa l Conference “Contemporary Perspect ives in Psychology, Educatio n
and Social Work” 3rd edition (COPES 2019), Constanța, 24-26 May 2019
2 Ovidius University of Constanta,
3 Ovidius University of Constanta,

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