Characteristics of Economic Life in the Olt Country from Middle Ages to Early XXth Century. Elements of Economic Sociology

AuthorRosculet, G.
PositionFaculty of Sociology and Communication, Transilvania University of Brasov
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series VII: Social Sciences • Law • Vol. 5 (54) No. 2 - 2012
Gheorghe ROŞCULE1
Abstract: The Olt Country is a Romanian area of noble origins, a blessed
preserver of some rich and ancient cultural traditions, but also of a
particular economic development. The dominant characteristic of the
economic life, from the Middle Ages to the early decades of the XXth century
is the autarchical peasant household, based on family production.
Key words: The Olt Country, peasant households, compossessorate,
1 Faculty of Sociology and Communication, Transilvania University of Braşov.
1. Introduction
The Olt country is an area whose noble
origins trace back to the old times,
recognized as the preserver of the "oldest
and most persistent Romanian settlements"
(1, p 14). Settled between the Olt and the
Fgraş Mountains and harmoniously
divided into "sunny and round estates" (6,
I, p 189), this Country of the founders of
Wallachia has fully remained related to the
typical Romanian traditions, specific to the
well done work meant to of the pre-
established work built to last.
This ancient Romanian area has
developed for centuries due to the fruitful
labour done by each generation of people
and it stands out by the presence of "the
most durable and innocent Romanian
element of Transylvania” (3, p III) and by
its sacrifices during insecure times against
the "enemy foreignism".
The Olt country also "provided" the
Romanian life a specific economic
development, in accordance with the
simple living "patterns", tailored naturally
acording to the needs of the people and the
rational use of the local resources.
2. Marked by reversals of political status,
disburdening (the attachment to Wallachia)
or burdening (the Hungarian and Austrian
rule), throughout its troubled history - from
time of principalities to building the
Greater Romania - the Olt Country
oriented or it was "pushed "to those forms
of economic life considered appropriate by
the temporal political powers.
During the "ruling intervention" or the
tutelary care of to Wallachia, in the Olt
Country there was founded a class of
Romanian boyards whose investiture was
purposeful as it regarded the destiny of this
country. This "system of working
boyardness" invested by the Wallachian

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