Career guidance in higher education

AuthorA. C. Mardache/C. M. Mândroiu
PositionTransilvania University of Brasov/Transilvania University of Brasov
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşo v
Series VII: Social Sciences Law Vol. 12(61) No. 1 2019
Abstract: The sense of professional accomplishment and fulfilment as well
as the development of a successful career are important goals for most
adults nowadays, and vocational guidance and training are important steps
in achieving these goals. Choosing an university education program, and
postgraduate studies, reviewing the succession of positions and selecting
organizations to work for are important decisions for students. In this
regard, we conducted a sociological survey based on a questionnaire to point
out relevant details in students’ faculty choices, the objectives they pursued
during their higher education program, as well as their future plans after the
completion of their undergraduate studies.
Keywords: career, vocational guidance, higher education, Holland test.
1. Introduction
The sense of accomplishment and professional fulfilment, as well as the development
of a successful career, are important goals for the majority of adults today. The
correlation between professional training and career success is very tight, therefore it is
highly important for each of us to be professionally well prepared in a field that is a true
point of interest, if not a passion. In this way, we are willing to continually improve
ourselves in the field, increasing the chances of having a successful career and of
highlighting our skills, talent, and competencies. Choosing a profession is one of the
most important decisions in a person's life as it can determine success or failure in one’s
professional life. Professional training and development are necessary processes during
which participants acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge needed to carry out
their present and future work. In all areas of activity, training and improvement of
employees has become a requirement of the times we live in. If in the past the
information gained during school was sufficient for a person to exercise a certain
profession throughout one’s entire life, today, knowledge rapidly becomes obsolete,
thus requiring a process of constant learning and professional development.
1 Transilvania University of Braşov,, corresponding author
2 Transilvania University of Braşov, graduate student

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