The Role of Environmental Protection in the Current International Context

AuthorLidia Lenuta Balan
ProfessionGeological Institute of Romania
The Role of Environmental Protection
in the Current International Context
Ph.D. Lidia-Lenuța BĂLAN
The study seeks to illustrate that in a global world dominated by chaos and con-
flicts, maintain an applicative framework for applying an d guaranteeing environmenta l
protection standards, although there is a great awareness of the population and decision-
makers in the need to promote actions to prevent and repair wherever possible, environ-
mental degradation. Within an area of freedom, embodied in rights and privileges of per-
sons, services, capital and commodities to the free movement, owing to current modern
technologies, the range of action of th e environmental degradation has been extended
and intensified, acquiring in a short time a cross-border and international character. In
order to prevent the degradation of the cross-border and international space, it is neces-
sary to start new concerted actions at global, regional, national level, which need to be
translated into a clear constitutional order of reference so as to stop the acts of deterio-
ration and limit the possibilities that globalization triggers in the environment.
Keywords: environmental protection, environmental policies, legal norms, en-
vironmental degradation, environmental damage, climate change.
JEL Classification: K32, K33.
1. Introduction
In a global world dominated by complexity, dynamism and antagonism,
deeply affected by economic and financial tensions and crises, the protection of
the environment in the current context represents a real attempt, with fundamental
objectives, difficult to achieve for European construction, Euro-Atlantic cooper-
ation as well as for global developments.
As mankind is in permanent change and transformation, with public and
private entities from different countries in continuous interaction and coopera-
tion, the development of the Internet, transport and new technologies worldwide
has led, on the one hand to economic sustainability; on the other hand, the prem-
ises of new environmental challenges have been created, generating major risks
to the safety of the climate we live in.
Within an area of freedom, embodied in rights and privileges of persons,
services, capital and commodities to the free movement, owing to current modern
technologies, the range of action of the environmental degradation has been ex-
tended and intensified, acquiring in a short time a cross-border and international
Lidia-Lenuța Bălan - Geological Institute of Romania,

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