The Legal Status of the Digital Certificate Used for Submitting Tax Returns Online, in Romania

AuthorSilvia Lucia Cristea
ProfessionDepartment of Law, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
The Legal Status of the Digital Certificate Used for Submitting Tax
Returns Online, in Romania
Professor Silvia Lucia CRISTEA
This article analyses the legal status of the digital certificate in Romania, pre-
senting first the steps a taxpayer has to take to submit online tax returns (section 1), the
need to issue a power of attorney to the taxpayer's empowered person in order to obtain
the electronic certificate (section 2), the importance of studying the legal natu re of the
digital certificate (section 3), why is not to be confused this digital certificate neither
with the administrative fiscal act nor with an act of authority (sections 4 and 5), and
which are the legal characteristics of the digital certificate as a legal act (in the Conclu-
sions section).
Keywords: digital certificate, electronic signature, online tax returns, digital certification
service provider.
JEL Classification: K34
1. Introduction
To submit on-line tax returns in Romania, a taxpayer shall go through the
following stages:
- to empower a physical person through an authenticated power of attor-
ney to represent the taxpayer in front of the competent General Directorate of
Public Finance of the National Agency of the Fiscal Administration, to sign the
tax returns to be submitted to the competent bodies, also by using the online sys-
tem, based on a qualified digital certificate; this stage is not needed if the tax-
payer, a specialist moral person, has appointed an administrator, who is already
acting as representative, under a general power of attorney, or under the decision
of the general assembly of the respective commercial company;
- the empowered person, administrator or another person, shall obtain a
qualified electronic signature certificate, issued by one authorized certification
services providers; thus, he/she will be able to submit on-line tax returns, in the
name and on behalf of the taxpayer; the signing with electronic signature
on the
Silvia Lucia Cristea Departmen t of Law, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, associate
researcher of the Institute for Legal Research of the Romanian Academy,
According to art.5 in Law no 445/2001 regarding the electronic signature, with further
modifications and completions, the electronic signature is assimilated, in terms of conditions and

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