The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and international trade in health services. Impact and regulations

AuthorDriss Bakhouya
The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)
and international trade in health services.
Impact and regulations
This article is in terested in studying the impact of trade agreements on the quality
of health services, and the statement of the role of the Ministry of Health to protect the
quality of these services. The problems that arise in this study; ho w the a pplication of
GATT on trade in health, and services? This article also includes the impact of
international trade a greements on the issue of attracting foreign in vestments in the field of
health, and to clarify the government's ability to maintain the health and political, and the
capacity of national health products to compete with foreign products. Different research
methods were used in th e study, including: ana lysis, synthesis, deduction, induction.
However, the most used method was comparative considering the specifics of the subject
under studying. The study ends by mentioning that although so far only a few countries
where trade in health servic es has a major role, trading. However, there seems to be
agreement that is wide enough , with respect to health services. Furthermore, Trade
liberalization -or privatization - can may lead to the development of second-degree health
care system.
Keywords: gats agreement; health services; health policy; the TRIPS agreement.
JEL Classification: K13, K32.
1. Introduction
At first, trade negotiations and the opening of the market seen as a problem
that has not been a priority for health policy makers so far, health policy makers are
interested only in the TRIPs Agreement and its implications for public access to the
drug2. On the other hand, trade negotiations' services can have a major impact on
the provision of health services; therefore, the role of the health department to be
important that the health department must try to understand what happened and
take a more proactive role again. Traditionally, provision of services is a non-
economic activity, however, because such a rapid development of technology,
services- including health services began to be traded. Due to increasing their
economic importance, the following basic range of guidelines and rules for
1 Driss Bakhouya, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Adrar, Algeria, .
2 Helmi Khair, Is the right to health undermined by the agree ment of trade-related aspects of
intellectual property rights?: University of negri sembilan 4, Journal of Academia, 2016, 4 (01):

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