The significance of accession to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 1980 for Indonesia

AuthorM. Hum. Taufiqurrahman
PositionLaw Faculty of Wijaya Putra University of Surabaya, Indonesia
The significance of accession to the United Nations Convention
of Goods 1980 for Indonesia
The United Nations Convention on Contracts for t he Inter nationa l Sale of Goods
1980 (The Convention) is one of monumental products to respond the need practically of
the business actor s in inter national trade tr affic. The Convention is not only containing
substantive rules, but also containing procedures in determining the l aw applicable to
disputes faced.
The ana lytical result indicates tha t the legal concept can be developed in
Indonesia for future governing choice of law in interna tional sales of goods tra nsactions is
by accession to the Convention. In that accession, it is recommended that Indonesia puts
aside the application of Article 1 (1) (b) of the Convention does not reflect valued the
apprecia tion of state sovereignty.
Keywords: Choice of Governing Law, International Char acter, Law Applicable.
JEL Classification: K12
Responding to the needs of international business in an effort to actualize
the harmonization of international trade law, The United Nations Commission on
International Trade Law (hereinafter abbreviated UNCITRAL)2 issue of "The
United Nations Convention on Contracts for the Interna tional Sales of Good" (The
Convention) in 1980. The Convention is a comprehensive set of transactions of
goods is international3.
The presence of the Convention in international trade traffic created two
contradictory views. Those who accept the presence of the Convention view that it
will provide convenience and ease for business people to conduct international sale
1 Sh. M. Hum. Taufiqurrahman, Law Faculty of Wijaya Putra University of Surabaya, Indonesia,
2 UNCITRAL is the United Nations specialized agency in the field of international trade law that was
formed in 1966. The agency is tasked to promote the progressive harmonization and unification of
international trade law.
3 The Convention is actually a revision and also the integration of 2 (two) previous convention ever
produced by The International Institute for Unification of Private Law ( UNIDROIT) in 1964,
namely on: "Uniform Law on the Interna tional Sales of Goods" (Ulis) and "Uniform Law on the
Formation of Contra cts for the Inter national Sale of Goods" (Ulf). In addition, this convention as
well as an amendment to the "Convention on the Limitation Per iod in the Inter national Sale of
Goods 1974". UNIDROIT itself is an institution that aims to examine ways of harmonizing and
coordinating different legal regulations of the countries or groups of different countries, with a view
to improving the gradual adjustment towards a uniform civil law by this negara.Lembaga whose
establishment is located in Rome sponsored by the Volken Bond prior to World War II.
Juridical Tribune Volume 2, Issue 2, December 2012
of goods. This is because the Convention in addition contain the unity of
procedural choice of law rules, it also contains the unity of substantive law
governing international sale of goods.
In contrast to the view of the above, those who care about the issue of
sovereignty of a country strongly condemned the globalization efforts of
international trade law. They believe that globalization efforts and unification of
international trade law is the death knell for the existence of national law or
domestic law (municipal law)
Especially for Indonesia, entry into force of the Convention that contains a
unity of choice of law should get serious attention. It is based on objective
conditions in which most of the countries of Indonesia export markets has ratified
or acceded to the Convention.5 Some of them are the United States, China,
Australia, Germany, Netherlands and Singapore. This means that in all transactions
undertaken by the international freight business from Indonesia with its trading
partners from other countries for the current and the next will frequently meet with
the Convention.
Based on this phenomenon, re-assessment of Indonesia's positive law
governing international trade transactions is a necessity that can not be postponed.
This is understandable because of the positive law of Indonesia especially those
related to trade transactions, both domestically and internationally, largely a legacy
of the Dutch East Indies government that has been around 164 years old. Its
presence is considered to be not in accordance with the development and
advancement in the field of Information Technology. Especially with the
enactment of the unity of the Convention that contain choice of law rules in the
field of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), the existence of
positive law in the field of CISG will be increasingly marginalized in international
trade traffic.
Based on these objective conditions, legal issues focused on the issue of
whether or not Indonesia committed themselves to the Convention as a national
law reform efforts in the field of CISG.
I. Choice of Law in the Convention
Black's Law Dictionary defines the choice of law as a legal question of
jurisdiction that should apply in a case at hand. This means the choice of law is a
rule relating to the question of law which should apply in a case at hand.
4 Rather harsh statement put forward by Erroll P. Mendes who think the various of national legal
systems as "the worst enemy for the international merchants and traders". See Franco Ferrari,
"Uniform Application and Interest Rates Under The 1980 Vienna Sales Convention" in the Cornell
International Law Journal (ed.). 1995. Review of The Convention on Contracts for the Internationa l
Sale of Goods (CISG), Kluwer Law International, pp. 3, quoted by Errol P. Mendes. 1998. The UN
Sales Convention & Canada U.S. Transa ction: Enticing the World's Largest Trading Bloc to Do
Business Under a Global Sales Law, 8 JL & Com, p. 109-112.
5 Until now, there are 72 countries that represent the diversity of pol itical systems, ideology, culture,
law, language and religion that have committed themselves to the Convention.

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