The role of the local government in ensuring the economic freedom

AuthorVerginia Vedinas
PositionFaculty of Law, University of Bucharest, President of 'Paul Negulescu' Institute of Administrative Sciences, Member of the Romanian Court of Accounts
Professor Verginia VEDINA
1, PhD.
The study a ims to examine the role that local government plays in ensuring the economic freedom. It b riefly
examines the status of local a uthorities, deliber ative and executive, a nd also the powers that they ha ve to cr eate the
conditions for the exercise of economic freedom. The study also examines the constitutiona l regime of this fundamental
freedom which is pa rt of the r ights a nd freedoms of the first generation. The purpose o f the r esearch aimed both
identifying the role of local government in ensuring this basic freedom but also to deter mine possible means of action to
be considered by the government within the territory.
Keywords: economic freedom, local government, delibera tive auth orities, executive author ities, local government units,
roles, respon sibility, role.
JEL Classification: K23
I. Preliminary considerations
One of the elements that distinguishes the rule of law from the totalitarian one is the
recognition for the territorial administrative unit, components of the state and the actual capacity
and right to solve public needs through authorities established by direct vote to represent their
interests. The quintessence of this right is found in the principles of local a utonomy,
decentralization and deconcentra tion of public services, which are enshrined in most the Member
States of the European Union ans also in an European document2, including the Constitution3, in
Article 120.
The philosophy of consecration of the local autonomy, also as a leading principle of public
administration from territory, lies in the principle of subsidiarity, of European origin, according to
which solving people’s problems must be given to the authorities who are closest to them. The
investment with authority regarding the local communities involving other categories of authority
may be made only if and to the extent that they may provide a more appropiate achievement,more
adequate than the authorities closest to the citizens4 may carry out.
The Romanian Constitution places by art. 120, at the bottom of the organization and
functioning of public administration in territorial-administrative units, the principle of local
autonomy, the deconcentration and decentralization of public services .
To this text should be added the one provided by Article 73 para. ( 3), under which, among
the matters reserved to the organic law, is found also "the regime of local autonomy and the
organisation and functioning of the local government" .
Within the Romanian constitutional system, the organic laws are an important category of
laws, which the doctrine states that are extensions of the Constitution of particular significance,
regulating the institutions with a special relevance for the rule of law5. Hence, the conclusion of the
special significance that the constituent legislator attaches to the regulation of the local government
and to the place of the authorities that exercise it among the Romanian system of authorities. The
1 Verginia Vedina - Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, President of "Paul Negulescu" Institute of Administrative Sciences,
Member of the Romanian Court of Accounts,
2 It is the European Charter of Local Self-Government, ratified by Romania by Law no. 199/1997, published in Official Gazette
3 Constitution was revised by Act 429 of 2003, published in the Official Gazette and republished in the Official Gazette nr.758/2003
4 For details on the principle of subsidiarity, see Manuel Guan, History of public administra tion in modern Romanian sta te, ed All
Beck, Bucharest, 2005, p 44.
5 I. Muraru, E. S. Tnsescu in I. Muraru, E.S. Tnsescu (coord.), Constitution, comment on articles, ed.CH Beck, Bucharest, 2008,
p 689.

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