Non standard employment relationship and the gender dimension

AuthorMihaela Emilia Marica
PositionDoctoral Law School, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Non-standard employment relationship and the gender dimension
Ph.D. student Mihaela-Emilia MARICA
Besides influen ces econ omic, pol itical and social on the stand ard form of
indi vidual e mploy ment contract, which l ed to a mo re flexibl e regulatory framework in the
field o f la bor relat ions, an important facto r that mark ed trend ev olving con tract atypi cal
employmen t i s t he number of women w ho en tered the l abor mark et in recent decad es.
Because most strongly feminized form of employment non-sta ndard empl oyment
relati onship part-time, this arti cle capt ures the issu es most important abou t the relatio nship
work part -time and the gender factor, the i mpact of thi s form of employmen t on t he size
women's soci al and level of prote ction provid ed by labor law an d social prot ection rule s in
ligh t of state s that have agreed to support and legitimize thi s form of employment. Also, th e
circumstan ces of the most important , de termining t he choi ce of women in terms o f hi ring
part-ti me, rational es justifyin g the strong influe nce of gender in h iring pa rt-time, al ong
with the id entificatio n of negative co nsequences of the feminizat ion of this atyp ical forms of
work are important fact ors that are discu ssed in this arti cle.
Keywords: empl oyment, la bor l aw, aty pical workers, labor marke t, gend er
discrimin ation.
JEL Cla ssification: K31
1. Preliminaries
Following research in the field of law and the doctrine of labor relations,
both internally and in comparative law, we see a proliferation of non-standard
forms of employment or atypical. The working relationship non standard forms of
work which is spreading most rapidly
, is seen as a key element in finding
solutions to problems related to the restructuring of economic life, adapting to the
reality of fluctuating production on the one hand, and achieving a balance between
family and professional
obligations, on the other hand. This form of atypical work
Mihaela-Emilia M arica - Doctoral Law School, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, .
Recent surveys conducted at European level, showing the percentage increase forms of work
standard, p ermanent, full-time is surpassed by the percentage increase forms of work non-standard,
atyp ical, t hus creating relations plan individual work p art and not insignificant significant European
labor markets. (See Jan Buelens, John Pearson, Standard work : an anachronism?, Intersentia
Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, 2013, p. 4).
See, in t his regard, Raluca Dimitriu Flexibilizarea modalităților de încetare a contractului de
muncă, in Modificările Codului Muncii și ale Legii Dialogului Social, coord. Alexandru Athanasiu,
Universul Juridic, 2011, Bucharest University, Clubul de Drept Social Costel Gîlcă, p. 110.

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