Iurisdictio Mechanism in Terms of the European Judge Activity Within the Preliminary Ruling Procedure

AuthorDan Cimpoeru
PositionAssociate Professor, PhD, Faculty of Business and Administration, University of Bucharest
Iurisdictio Mechanism in Terms of
the European Judge Activity Within the
Preliminary Ruling Procedure
Abstract: The Court of Justice of the European Union, alongside national courts, provides not only a
consistent and uniform application of European la w but, Apparently paradoxical, from a certain
perspective, creates new rules of law. Of course, at first glance, our a ssumption may seem
hazardously, and in any case not in accordance the "classic" conception that the judge is only meant
to apply a law t o a particular case, issuing rules of law shall be the competence of the legal bodies of
states. In these circumstances, we considered it useful to examine a n ancient Roman law concept -
iurisdictio - and show that it is still current. Usually, whe n the magistrate "speaks right", the solution
which will be given will be implicitly included in the rule indicated (which is pre-existing) because
the judge is only to find, after the debates a nd on the evidence, whether the r ule of law is not
applicable or practical case to be decided. H owever, this study also addresses the way in which
iurisdictio operates in terms of the European judge activity within the preliminary ruling procedure.
Keywords: iurisdictio, European Union law, the Court of Justice of the European Union, preliminary
rulings, jurisdictional activity
1. Introduction
An important role in the current development of European law for the Court of
Justice of the European Union. This court, alongside national courts, provides not
only a consistent and uniform application of European law but, Apparently
paradoxical, from a certain perspectivecreates new rules of law. Of course, at first
glance, our assumption may seem hazardously, and in any case not in accordance
the "classic" conception that the judge is only meant to apply a law to a particular
case, issuing rules of law shall be the competence of the legal bodies of states.
In a very recent study on the methods and functions of comparative law (Sinani,
Shanto, 2013, p 32), invoking a Roman aphorism - jus dicere, non jus dare - it is
Associate Professor, PhD, Faculty of Business and Administration, University of Bucharest.
Address: Bucharest, Sector 4, 10 Constantin Boşianu Street, ap. 2, Romania. Tel.: +40.722.272911.
Corresponding author: dcimpoeru@gmail. com.
AUDJ, vol. 9, no. 3/2013, pp. 67-72

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