From Alexandru Teodorescu to Sandu Tudor. Biographical Benchmarks

AuthorCarmen Ciornea
PositionFacultatea de Teologie, Universitatea ?Ovidius'
Law, Society & Organisations
Volume IV, Issue 6 (1 / 2019)
Facultatea de Teologie Universitatea „Ovidius”
Sandu Tudor;
Alexandru Teodorescu;
Christian paradigm;
Association of Romanian Christian Students
Sandu Tudor's activity as a member of the Association of Romanian Christian Students, his involvement
in the academic environment of the period, respectively in the various student movements, has been a less
researched topic. Historiography so far has offered o nly few milestones which are rather empirical and
factual; a circumstantial interpretation would configure a clear dimension of what was, from this
perspective, Sandu Tudor: an influence factor that moved the Orthodox Christian message from the sphere
of symbolic communication to the public space. The objective of the paper is to bring to the public space
conclusive evidence of Sandu Tudor's involvement in the events and debates related to the Romanian
Orthodox Church in the first interwar decade. A large part of the research lies in the discovery of evidence
relevant to understanding the events of the above-mentioned period; documents from the secret police’s
archives were collected and selected and then, as their acuity cannot be taken for granted, corrobo rated
with other types of sources - from specialized works on interwar Romania to confessional literature. The
material was shaped and reshaped critically until the personality of Sandu Tudor emerged free from myths
and prejudices. The present study aims to add another piece to the puzzle posed by the mystery of the
personality of Sandu Tudor, and also to complete and colour the picture of Great Romania in the first
decade of the interwar period.
JEL Classification: I20; K49; Z12

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