The role of the european committee for social rights (ECSR) in the european system for the protection of human rights. Interactions with ECHR Jurisprudence

AuthorCristina Sâmboan
PositionARTIFEX University
Assistant professor Cristina SÂMBOAN
1, PhD. student
Upon its foundation in 1961, the Euro pean Committee for Social Rights (ECSR) was meant to be a counterpart
of the Europea n Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in the field of economic, socia l and cultur al rights, i.e. an
internatio nal body of control r egarding the manner in which states under stand to r espect human rights. But, given the
fastidious contents of ESCR and for political rea sons, ECSR has never enjoyed the same gua rantee mechanisms or level
of accessibility tha t have cha racterized ECHR. The aim of this study is to show that, in spite of such flaws, the ECSR
has pro ven its efficiency in the Europea n system for the protection of human rights. The an alysis of its decisions, as well
as their inter actions with the ECHR jurispr udence proves tha t the flexible and protectionist decisions of this
jurisdictiona l body command author ity a nd their coercive nature is recognized at nationa l level. Moreover, this body
has an important influence on ECHR. The jurisprudentia l interpreta tions of ECSR may also serve as r eference points
for nationa l users (lawyers, magistrates, organizations), which makes it even more necessary to know and understa nd it
at this level.
Keywords: economic, social a nd cultural r ights (ESCR), Europea n Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), European
Committee of Social Rights (ECSR), Europea n Social Cha rter (revised) (ESC (r)), collective claims (CC).
JEL Classification: K33
I. The European system of human rights
The European system of human rights gives rise, on a regional scale, to the UN dual and
asymmetric mechanism for human rights protection (different legal treatments of civil and political
rights CPR and ESCR, the first benefitting from enhanced warranties) in its specific manner, yet
characterised by an increased degree of judicial effectiveness and through a more coagulated
political will of the Member States to comply with their obligations2. Signed in Torino on 18
October 1961, the European Social Charter (ESC) was intended to be a social replica of the
European Convention of Human Rights. The latter, that had been entered into more than a decade
before3, is the first treaty agreed upon within the Council of Europe and had been conceived in the
same spirit as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a reply to war experience and as an
antidote to totalitarianism; protected rights have a civil and a political nature, and although they do
not come out in large numbers, the warranty system is however really impressive: for the first time
natural persons may have recourse to a genuine international jurisdictional instance to complain
against their own state for the breach of the obligations undertaken by the Convention and,
furthermore, in view of obtaining a “fair satisfaction”4 for the incurred prejudice. Moreover, the
1 Cristina Sâmboan - ARTIFEX University,
2Space pattern and the subject hereof do not allow a thorough analysis of th e efectivness of the onusian mechanisms of protection of
human rights. It is worth mentioning, however, that the duties of the two committees do not have a jurisdictional nature, their
decisions are not binding, and their enforcement is ensured rather by poli tical leverages (please see also Raluca Miga-Beteliu, Drept
Internaional. Introducere în dreptul internaional public, ALL B eck, Bucharest, 2003, p. 202, 224). For a more detailed analysis,
please see also Eliette Gondoin, ”L’efficacité du Pacte International relatif aux Droits Civils et P olitiques en droit interne face aux
mécanismes de droit international et au régionalisme de la protection des Droits de l’Homme”, available on: h ttp://m2bde.u-
(accessed: 25.10.2013)
3Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and F undamental Freedoms was signed at Rome, on 4 November 1950, and entered
into force on 3 September 1953 (13 years prior to the enacting of ICPCR and ICESCR!)
4 Art. 41 of the Covenant.

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