Validation of the derived law norm in the european and international law

AuthorAlina Letia
PositionLawyer in Bucharest Bar Association, Romania
Lawyer Alina LEIA
1, PhD student
Throughout rea lizing the study we ana lyzed the validity of the Eur opean law norm r esulting from the derived
sources of law with obligator y force (regula tions, decisions and directives) in connection with the Eur opean law norm,
the national law norm a nd the genera l pr inciples of law considering the jurisprudence of the European Court of
Justice and the supr emacy of th e Europea n Union law also over nationa l constitutions. Thus the Europea n Union
represents a new law order, having as subjects not only sta tes member, but also the na tionals of these sta tes, who
benefit of rights that can be appealed before na tional courts a gainst public organisms or other private persons a nd
obligations. Therefore, the European Court of Justice has successively imposed the direct applica bility of community
norms, continuing with the prior ity of these norms so tha t in the end the principle of the supremacy of the European
law has been adopted. The Eu ropean norm ha s to be r espected an d interpreted in a uniform manner in all states
member, considering the fact that the supremacy of the Europea n law over the na tional law is seen as a sine qua non
of the integration , but also a funda mental principle of the Union. National courts guarantee the supremacy of the
Europea n norm and its unitar y a pplication aspects ana lyzed in this study- through the pr ocedure of preliminary
Keywords: dir ect applica bility, p riority, suvera nity, supr emacy, Constitution, European juridical order, preliminary
JEL Classification: K33
1. Introductory aspects
Community European law represents a living construction, in constant evolving.
Originally created by the Member States of the European Community through the adoption of
treaties, conventions, directives, regulations etc., was perfected by the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice
of the European Community (now the European Court of Justice).
The main goal that I had in making this work was to identify the rules in the event of a national
litigation when the national rule susceptible of application, be it a constitutional provision, contrary to the
European standard.
In order to achieve our goal we have analyzed the hierarchy of legal norms involved , the
principles underlying this classification and legal, social and institutional context.
Community law, European now, has evolved over time from a set of distinct rules to rules directly
applicable in cases Member States. The next step in the formation of the European legal system was that of
priority consecration of the European standard in relation to the national norm, and finally to rule the
European standard Principle.
2. Rule of European law and its relationship with national rule
The legal force of the European standard is consolidated differently depending on the circumstances
in which it applies according to legal rules it comes into conflict.
We can make a distinction between three categories of legal rules, each expressing its own legal
order: legal international standard, legal European standard and national legal norm.
European law rules are classified, informally, depending on their source, the primary European rules
(arising from treaties), derived binding rules (they come from regulations, decisions and directives) and the
general principles of European law (stemming from the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice) .
In the context when the European legal rule is in conflict with the international legal norms as
reflected in international agreements concluded by the Community, assimilated by European law, then the
international legal norms have primacy over the national rule applicable in the Member States in the virtue
of their relationship with the EU and not with international law.
1 Alina Leia - Lawyer in Bucharest Bar Association, Romania,

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