Theoretical and practical aspects on liability in administrative law

AuthorIulian Nedelcu
Theoretical and practical aspects on liability in administrative law
Professor Iulian NEDELCU
Human behavior has a diverse sphere of manifestation, bu t with all the
complexity of behavior, man is referring to some principles, norms, values within the
limits of what he considers to be good - bad, allowed - not allowed, right - unfair, licit -
illicit. At the moment of choosing the individual's choice for a certain behavior (of all
possible), the mechanism of establishing its social responsibility is triggered. This is due
to its rational capacity to opt for a certain behavior, knowing, or having to know that the
deed falls within the limits of generally accepted principles, and will ha ve to bear the
consequences for its negative conduct. Legal liab ility is the most serious form of social
responsibility. Traditionally, legal liability is considered as a fundamental institution of
law, an institution that tends to occupy the center of law in its entirety. Referring to this
idea, Louis Josserand argues that in every matter, this problem of responsibility, in public
law and in private law, in the field of persons or family, and in the field of goods, is at all
times and of all situations, responsibility becomes the common neuralgic point of all our
institutions, reflecting the stage of evolution of the whole society, the level of social
conscience and responsibility. Legal responsibility, irrespective of the legal branch to
which we report, has b oth a preventive educational purpose and a sa nctioning purpose,
meaning by this last aspect and the character of the remedy in case of material and/or
moral damages.
Keywords: legal liability, liability in administrative law, social responsibility,
public servants.
JEL Classification: K23
1. Introductory aspects
The Romanian Constitution contains express provisions regarding the li-
ability and the various forms of legal liability, in general.
A first category of provisions is contained in Title II of the Constitution,
dedicated to Fundamental Rights, Freedoms and Duties.
Article 23 regulates the individual freedom and uses two concepts: "in-
dividual freedom" and "security of a person" which, in the eye of the European
Court of Human Rights, are in a situation of interdependence: "The right to liberty
refers to the physical freedom of the person, and the security to the whole guar-
Iulian M. Nedelcu - Faculty of Law, University of Craiova, Romania,

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