The Right Of Work Of Disabled Persons. Comparative Approach Between The Situation Of Romania And That Of The Republic Of Moldova

AuthorDiana-Mihaela Malinche
PhD. student Diana-Mihaela MALINCHE1
The data presented in this study were collected using the content analysis as a research method, starting from
the theoretical and practical concepts of the socio-professional insertion of persons with disabilities as well as from the
legislative regulations adopted by the Romanian state and the Republic of Moldova in protection and promotion of the
rights of people with disabilities. The status of people with disabilities, as well as their fundamental rights and
freedoms, are among the most debated topics at European level, which are constantly reviewed and complemented in
order to establish a universally valid no rmative framework that will contribute to comba ting discrimination at a
general level and implicitly in th e sphere of socio-professional insertion of people with disabilities in order to
homogenize and equalize the discrepancies existing in the society. Regarding the contribution of Moldovan authorities
in the socio- professional integration of people with disabilities, in recent years we note the constant interest of the
central authorities to support the social inclusion of this social category by starting studies and collaborations with the
Romanian authorities. In order to reduce the economic fluctuations impact on people with handicap, the Romanian
state is meeting the international requirements and actively promotes social p olicies aimed at guaranteeing the careers
of the people living in the community and preventing the emergence of social barriers restricts th e implication of the
defaulted pro fession to the social life. Following the Romanian example, in recent years, the Republic of Moldova is
taking steps in this direction as well.
Keywords: people with disabilities, labor law, discrimination, socio- professional insertion, equality.
JEL Classification: K23, K31
1. Introduction
Given the scale of the social inequality phenomenon in the contemporary world, European
social exclusion is intended to combat social discrimination so that E.U. member states and not only
adopt permanent policies to eliminate all forms of discrimination at society level. Although the
discrimination phenomenon has multiple valences, in this paper we will restrict the research area to
the practice of discrimination in the labor law field as regards persons with disabilities.
Against the backdrop of urban development both in Romania and in the Republic of
Moldova, labor law has witnessed a significant evolution, with the frequent changes of the cases
between the employers and the employees, most of them being in the hands of the employees.
Analyzing this, we can think that as the social structures develop, the people with disabilities
category, neglected by the rest of society, could not keep up with the diversification of social
Economic changes as well as social changes in the two countries during the last years have
shown a significant impact on the population, especially among people with disabilities. In order to
reduce the impact of economic fluctuations on people with handicap, the Romanian state meets the
international requirements and actively promotes social policies aimed at guaranteeing the careers
of living people in the community and in preventing the emergence of social problems to hinder the
implication of this defaulted profession in social life.
Regarding the Moldovan political blanket, it was noted by collaborating with the Romanian
state in order to support and promote the rights of persons belonging to disadvantaged social
categories, as well as through the social policies promotion or by providing employers with
facilities to ensure the socio-professional insertion of people with disabilities. The implication of the
Romanian state in the socio-professional insertion of defaulted persons can be considered as a
preventive form of social protection which is aimed at avoiding social managing and avoiding the
1 Diana-Mihaela Malinche Dimitrie Cantemir State University, Chişinău, Republic of Moldova,

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