The 'Propaganda' Concept In The Contemporary Doctrine And The Criminal Law Of Romania And The Republic Of Moldova

AuthorAurel Octavian Pasat
Associate professor Aurel Octavian PASAT1
This scientific article aims at the interdisciplinary research of the concept of propaganda through the
perspective of sociolo gical, political and legal sciences, as well as the substantiation of a relevant study in the field of
criminal liability for criminal a cts that are committed in the form of propaganda. Therefore, as the objectives proposed
for this study will serve the following: research into the contemporary doctrine in the field of sociology, political
science and jurisprudence for the formulation of a concept relevant to the science of criminal law; the synthesis of
characteristic traits of propaganda (deliberate action in the form of systematic commu nication) as ways of committing
crimes that are in criminated in the contemporary criminal law o f Romania and the Republic of Moldova; conducting a
differentiated comparative study of the legal-criminal norms in the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Romania, as
well as the Special Part of the Criminal Code of the Republic o f Moldova; demonstrating inconsistencies i n legislative
technique that have been dropped from the legislator's view and suggesting suggestions for improving both criminal
science and the criminal legislation in force in both countries. Methods of research have been chosen systemic method,
comparative method, analysis and synthesis. The author carried out the investigation of comparative comparative
criminal and extrapenal norms (Romania, Republic of Moldova), identified some gaps in the legal technique, and
demonstrated the need to revise some legislative concepts that will ultimately contribute to the reconceptualization of
the criminal law in force crimes involving elements of propaganda.
Keywords: propaganda; d eliberate communication ; conviction; influencing the public; criminality of extremist
nature; war propaganda; propaganda of extremism; the extremist-terrori st offense; extremism; terrorism.
JEL Classification: K14
1. The introductory section
The research department of this study consists of the interdisciplinary approach of the concept
of propaganda, as well as its differentiated analysis in the process of application in the doctrine and
incriminating text of the criminal law of Romania and the Republic of Moldova.
The research focuses mainly on the in-depth study not only of some provisions of the Special
Part of the New Criminal Code of Romania2 and, implicitly, of the Special Part of the Criminal
Code of the Republic of Moldova3 (CP RM) but, to an equal extent, attention is paid to the
questionable issues of extrapenetal legislation on arms and ammunition in both states.
From the doctrinal point of view, we find the presence of interdisciplinary scientific studies
necessary both in Romania and in the Republic of Moldova (sociology, politics, law), but we
observe the lack of thorough comparative criminal law studies on the concept of propaganda.
In this respect, we will notice that propaganda is a deliberate, sometimes deliberate act (timely
thought) as a form of systematic communication but accompanied by a specific purpose, such as
influencing public opinion through various non-violent methods, also instigating to hate and
violence, so that the subject to whom the message is addressed accepts it willingly.
Not every form of propaganda has the socially advanced danger enough to reach the threshold
of prejudice of criminal law, but only those forms that involve signs of extremism (hate speech,
etc.) or even its extreme form of war propaganda. In our opinion, war propaganda correlates with
extremist propaganda as part and whole, in other words, war propaganda is the propaganda of
extremism, but not any form of propagation of extremism is war propaganda.
1 Aurel Octavian Pasat - State University „Bogdan Petriceicu Haşdeu”, Republic of Moldova; Customs Inspector, Border Customs
Office Galaţi-Giurgiuleşti,
2 Law no. 187/2012 for the enforcement of the Law no. 286/2009 on the Criminal Code. Originally published in the Official Gazette
of Romania no.757 of 12.11.2012.
3 Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova, no. 985 of 18.04.2002. Republished in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova,
2009, no. 72-74.

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