The county council

AuthorCatalin-Silviu Sararu
ProfessionPhD, is Associate Professor at the Law Department of Bu-charest University of Economic Studies
Chapter XIX
The county council
The county council is the authority of the local public administration, set
up at the county level to coordinate the activity of the communal, city and mu-
nicipal councils, in order to perform the public services of county interest [art.
122 (1) of the Constitution].
The county council is constituted as a deliberative authority by which the
local autonomy is exercised at the county level.
The county council is elected for a term of 4 years, which can be ex-
tended, by organic law, in case of war or catastrophe (art. 177 of the Administra-
tive Code).
1. Election of county councilors
The county council is composed of county councilors, elected by univer-
sal, equal, direct, secret and freely expressed vote, according to the law.
The county councils are elected under the conditions provided by the Law
no. 115/2015 for the election of the authorities of the local public administration.
The county councils are elected on electoral constituencies, based on the
list vote, according to the principle of proportional representation [art. 1(3) of the
Law no. 115/2015].
The conditions that people must fulfill in order to have the status of voters
are the same as those provided by the Law no. 115/2015 for the election of local
councilors. The conditions that a person must fulfill in order to apply for the pub-
lic dignity of mayor are the same as those provided by the Law no. 115/2015 for
persons applying for public dignity as a local councilor.
2. The attributions of the county councils
The county council fulfills the following main categories of attributions
provided by art. 173 (1) of the Administrative Code:
a) attributions regarding the establishment, organization and functioning
of the specialized apparatus of the county council, of the public institutions of
county interest and of the companies and autonomous regions of county interest;
b) attributions regarding the economic-social development of the county;
c) attributions regarding the administration of the public and private do-
main of the county;
d) attributions regarding the management of public services of county
e) attributions regarding the interinstitutional cooperation internally and

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