The Convention of the Hague of 2 July 2019 on the recognition of foreign sentences: Approaches and comments

AuthorDimitris Liakopoulos
PositionFull Professor of European Union Law at the Fletcher School-Tufts University (MA in international law and MA of Arts in Law and diplomacy)
Studies and Articles
Abstract: The present work deals with the conference and the adoption of the Hague of 2 July 2019
not entry in force which is concentrated in the analysis of the r ecognition and execution of decisions
of civil and commercial matters in the international private EU law.
Keyworks: Convention of Hague of 2019; execution of sentences; Reg. 1215/2012; CJEU
1. Introduction: Genesis and Purpose of the Convention
The 22nd Diplomatic Session of the Hague Conference on Private International Law
closed, on 2 July 2019, with the adoption of the convention on the recognition and
enforcement of foreign decisions in c ivil and commercial matters, also known as
Judgments Convention.
The event is significant to more than one title. It is, on the one hand, because the
Conference, after a pause of twelve years, has returned to play the most
characteristic of its tasks, confirming itself capable of complementing the work of
maintenance of the existing conventions with a properly normative action. The
adoption of the convention is significant, on the other hand, because with it comes
to completion one of the most ambitious projects that the Conference has ever
Full Professor of European Union Law at the Fletcher School-Tufts University (MA in international
law and M A of Arts in Law and diplomacy). Full Professor of International and European Criminal
and Procedural Law at the De Haagse Hogenschool-The Hague. Attorney at Law a New York and
Bruxelles. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1048-6468. The present work is updated until July 2019.
Corresponding author:
AUDJ, Vol. 15, No. 2/2019, pp. 5-19
The Convention of the Hague of 2 July 2019
on the Recognition of Foreign Sentences:
Approaches and Comments

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